Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Best Selling Right-Wing Author Richard Poe Investigates Markos C.A. Moulitisas Zúñiga (MAMZ), Using "Truth About Kos" as His Roadmap.

New York Times Best Selling Author Cites "Truth About Kos" Blog
as roadmap for investigating MAMZ. ^ | January 29, 2008 | Richard Lawrence Poe

Posted on 01/29/2008 2:45:00 PM PST by Richard Poe

by Richard Lawrence Poe
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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DEMOCRAT BLOGGER Markos Moulitsas Zuñíga never fails to bewilder. He proclaims his humble origins, yet his family is rich. He heckles Hillary Clinton, yet helps her where it counts. He boasts of completing a six-month screening for CIA employment -- but says he turned down the job for no very good reason.

His fans call him "Kos". His DailyKos blog draws more than half a million visits per day, reportedly generating sufficient advertising revenue to support the Kos family in style.

Kos' followers -- called "Kossacks" -- include over 125,000 registered users and hundreds of "diarists" or bloggers, five of them paid "fellows".

Jimmy Carter, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are all DailyKos diarists.

Hillary Clinton spoke at the 2007 YearlyKos Convention, where she told the Kossacks, "We are... putting together a network in the blogosphere... we're beginning to match... the advantage of the other side."

The Washington Post touts Kos as the Democrat answer to Rush Limbaugh.

How did the 36-year-old Kos attain such lofty status?

Moulitsas presents himself as a self-made man. He told the Salvadoran newspaper La Prensa Gráfica:

"Before the Internet, someone like me could never have reached this level of success. I have no money. I don't come from a famous or powerful family."

Baloney, says Francis L. Holland, a disaffected Kossack who runs the Truth-About-Kos Web site.

Kos was born in Chicago on September 11, 1971 to a Greek father, Markos Moulitsas, Sr., and a Salvadoran mother, María Teresa Zúñiga de Funes.

Holland notes that an uncle of Kos served as El Salvador's Education Minister. His mother's family owns the Club Joya del Pacifico, a Salvadoran resort. Another Kos relative, Carlos Alberto Delgado Zúñiga, owns the Baja Salt Group, a global supplier of industrial and table salt.

Kos' parents took him to El Salvador in 1976. They stayed for four years.

Political violence was on the rise. President Carlos Humberto Romero began cracking down on communist insurgents in 1977. This upset U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who sought to appease the guerrillas, not fight them.

Carter backed a gang of leftwing colonels and politicians calling themselves the Revolutionary Government Junta (Junta Revolucionaria de Gobierno). They ousted President Romero on October 15, 1979, promising land reform and nationalization of major industries.

Carter's "revolution" only emboldened the communists. In 1980, the country exploded in civil war. Kos' family fled the country that year when communist guerrillas threatened to kill them.

Kos joined the U.S. Army after high school. From 1989-92, he served as a 13P missile crew specialist in Bamberg, Germany. Kos says that the racial diversity of the Army awakened his inner Latino, transforming him from a Reagan Republican to a hard-left Democrat.

Bolstered by racial pride, Kos earned two bachelors' degrees from Northern Illinois University and a law degree from Boston University. He moved to San Francisco in 1998, seeking his fortune in the dot-com boom.

Then, one day, Kos decided to join the CIA. "In 2001, I was underemployed... between jobs", Kos said in a June 2, 2006 interview. "And so I applied to the CIA." Kos was amazed to find that his CIA interviewers shared his leftwing views. He recalls:

"Every single one of them was liberal... people who want to make the world a better place... people who are internationalist... That was an eye-opening experience for me."
After six months, the CIA offered him an assignment with its Clandestine Service. But Kos said no. "The Howard Dean campaign took off and I had to make a decision," he explains. Kos chose politicking over spying. Or so he says.

Curiously, Kos joined the Dean campaign in June 2003, more than a year after his CIA interlude supposedly ended. His story is fishy. But, then, so is everything else about Mr. Moulitsas.

Kos founded DailyKos on May 26, 2002. He positioned himself as a renegade, "crashing the gate" of the Democratic Party.

Yet he acts more like a gatekeeper than a gatecrasher. Following Hillary's victory in the New Hampshire primary, for instance, Kos squashed speculation that she might have cheated. "Anyone who persists in this crap is engaging in unsupported conspiracy theories and violating site policy, a bannable offense", Kos announced.

Some leftist bloggers have denounced Kos as a government plant. "Once CIA, always CIA", says Francis Holland.

Any statement Kos makes should arouse healthy skepticism. Still, his account of a "liberal", "internationalist" CIA rings true, given the brazen defiance President Bush has endured from that agency.

Richard Lawrence Poe Richard Lawrence Poe is a contributing editor to Newsmax, an award-winning journalist and a New York Times bestselling author. His latest book is The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Siezed Control of the Democratic Party, co-written with David Horowitz.

Monday, January 28, 2008

MAMZ Family Continues Building on Endangered Salvadoran Estuary


While Markos C.A. Moulitsas Zúñiga tells the American people that he is a "radical" "leftist" and "progressive", his "family business" in El Salvador continues cutting down trees and building massive residential projects on the bounds of an estuary that is internationally recognized to be endangered by other projects the of same greedy real estate development and tourism family.

One would think that as the owners of the Jaltepeque Hotel Suites and the Club Joya del Pacifico, they would be wealthy enough that they could stop destroying endangered beach front and leeching effluents (sewage and other runoff) into this endangered estuary. But, when you are talking about Salvadoran oligarch capitalist developers who act with the support of the US Government and the Salvadoran Government, and especially when their other family business activities are supported by development dollars from US Government's the Overseas Private Investment Council, greed just knows no bounds.

Now, the goal - as anyone can see at this site if they register for free and log in - is to build skyscrapers along the Jaltepeque Estuary. Will any poor people live in those skyscrapers when a months rent exceeds a year of poor people's income?

It must gall Salvadoran peasants that the same family that gobbles up ocean front land in El Salvador has a kid in the United States pretending to be a leader of the progressive Left! They must conclude that Americans are more gullible than toddlers, dumb as rocks, and I guess some of us still are.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wanna Know More About MAMZ's Family's Exclusive Country Club in El Salvador?

The following is from Periodico Dia a Dia, which was 404, but still available in Google cache. It's an interview with Carlos Alberto Delgado Zúñiga, who is the "manager" of the Markos C.A. Moulitsas Zúñiga "family business" resort hotel and country club on the Jaltapeque peninsula outside of the capital of El Salvador, San Salvador.

I figure this is reliable information since it comes directly from the mouth of the family member who operates the family's country club and hotel, explaining the relationship between the family business, their official role in the leadership of El Salvador's tourism industry, and the Government of El Salvador. Other documents at this site explain the financial and political support provided by the globalization-oriented US Government for the internationalization of El Salvador's tourists industry and support provided directly to the "family business" of Markos C.A. Moulitsas Zúñiga.


Por. Mario Alberto Pérez

Entrevista con Lic. Carlos Alberto Delgado, Presidente Cámara Salvadoreña de Turismo y del Club Joya del Pacifico.

¿Cuál es la función de la Cámara? La Cámara de Turismo es la gremial legalmente representante del sector ante las autoridades de El Salvador.

¿Cuántos miembros la conforman? Aproximadamente 150 socios, entre ellos las especialidades: hoteleras individuales, tours operadores independientes, asociaciones de hoteles y diferentes sectores.

¿Trabajan por el desarrollo del sector? Esta Cámara de Turismo es la parte del sector privado, es la contra parte del gobierno, en este caso de CORSATUR que depende del Ministerio de Turismo, afiliada a FEDECATUR que es la Federación de Cámaras de Turismo a nivel centroamericano y que forma parte del Consejo regional de Turismo.

¿Cómo inciden en las políticas de turismo? En nuestro país se le ha dado la importancia al turismo, hay voluntad política, el presidente Saca ha sido muy claro en decir que el turismo es uno de los ejes principales del desarrollo para el futuro, tanto social como económico y estamos coordinando con el Ministro Rubén Rochi para impulsar esta industria.

¿Esta industria se está desarrollando? Esta empezando, el desarrollo del turismo siempre ha estado dormido, no ha sido una prioridad, no ha tenido el apoyo de gobiernos anteriores hacia un sector tan importante como es el turismo, pero estamos viendo que todo esta cambiando, vamos para adelante y esperamos un mayor impulso con la nueva Ley que será aprobada.

¿La Cámara trabaja con el Ministerio? Con el ex Ministro Luis Cardenal iniciamos un trabajo y ahora con el actual Ministro Rubén Rochi, hemos formado una especie de consejo empresarial que se reúne con él por lo menos un a vez al mes para discutir cada aspecto del turismo nacional.

¿Qué tipo de turismo promueven más? Hay que ser relista en El Salvador tenemos el turismo de convenciones, vienen personas de negocios, realmente lo que es turismo jamás hemos tenido a nivel regional, nos falta mucha infraestructura.

¿Qué se necesita para infraestructura? Primeramente una ley, eso le da mayor seguridad a cualquier inversionista, las reglas del juego tienen que ser claras para que el turismo en el país crezca, prácticamente tiene que haber facilidades, hablamos de iniciativas fiscales, se tienen que conformar polos turísticos, el turismo no es solo tener un hotel de 205 habitaciones en una playa, sino que se tiene que vestir, tienen que haber restaurantes, discotecas, toda una infraestructura para vestir el polo turístico.

¿El Salvador necesita promoción? Estamos muy bajos en proyección internacional, para eso se necesitan fondos, el turismo ha sido relegado siempre, nunca se le ha dado la importancia merecida, ahora que se esta trabajando con el ejecutivo, se pretende que con la ley tomemos fondos para la promoción del turismo.

¿Joyas del Pacifico es un nuevo proyecto? Somos un empresa familiar en la Costa del Sol, es un proyecto integral a mediano plazo, tiene un área de 37 manzanas, se inició con la idea de darle a un grupo de personas un lugar de esparcimiento, es un club privado de membresías, se han vendido 12 lotes, 8 de ellos a salvadoreños radicados en el extranjero y todavía tenemos 8 en pre venta.

¿Qué costos tienen? Si usted solo quiere ser socio del club o miembro, hay un costo de por vida que consiste en un bono de seis mil dólares más IVA y después el costo es de 40 dólares mensuales mas IVA, con esto el precio disminuye, una estadía que cuesta 125 dólares al socio le cuesta 45 dólares por ser socio, los precios disminuyen.

¿Hay Membresías mensuales? Hay membresías anuales y trimestrales, las anuales prácticamente no las compra el salvadoreño, si no que las compra el extranjero que viene al país.

¿Qué costo tienen y a qué tienen derecho? Pagan mil quinientos dólares al año, tienen derecho a venir al club los 365 días del año, a quedarse a dormir, hacer una fiesta, usar el salón para hacer una reunión etc.

¿Qué tipo de membresías tienen? Hay tres membresías: la individual, que es para una pareja, vale 750 dólares al año, una pareja puede llegar los 365 días del año; tenemos otra que es la familiar, que comprende padre, madre e hijos menores de 25 años hasta 4, el costo es de mil 500 dólares y la “De por vida”, que es un bono de 6 mil dólares y para toda la vida, tanto del miembro como de la esposa.

¿Venden acciones? Tenemos la acción de propiedad, la empresa tiene mil acciones, en este momento solo quedan 26 a la venta, desde que empezamos en el 2003 hemos incrementado un 300 por ciento en acciones, o sea que cualquier persona que invirtió en aquel momento tiene un 300 por ciento más de su inversión.

¿Cuánto cuestan? Cuesta 6 mil dólares cada una, tenemos restricciones, una de ellas es que tiene que ser avalada por 3 socios accionistas, teniendo en cuenta que el 70 por ciento de las acciones es familiar.

¿Cómo puede invertir un salvadoreño en EE.UU.? Es muy fácil, principalmente visitando la página Web y después escribiéndome para hacer ver su interés en acciones o en propiedades al correo

¿Cuentan con piscina? En estos momentos en el club solo tenemos una de 503 metros cuadrados, está a 3 metros sobre el nivel del mar y frente a la playa.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How The Truth About Kos is Used to Impeach Opinions Offered by Markos C.A. Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ)

The purpose of "The Truth About Kos Blog" is to provide bloggers, the public and government leaders with truthful and complete information about Markos C.A. Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ AKA "Kos") who, among other things, has acknowledged that he spent up to two years training with the US Central Intelligence Agency between 2001 and 2003, while starting DailyKos.

It is quite a joy, then, to see that the blog is serving its public information purpose, with even members, staff, or interns of the United States Senate using The Truth About Kos as a reference in their research.

In the above instance, for example, in a debate at a Ron Paul blog, a reader at the US Senate referred to "The Indictment of Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA by Justice and History (Updated with Additional Information and Counts)" at the Truth About Kos blog for a complete list of the known information showing that MAMZ's opinions, information and organization and associates cannot be trusted because, among other things, MAMZ received training and income from the US Central Intelligence Agency simultaneous with starting the DailyKos ostensibly "anti-war" and "progressive" blog.

The information at the Truth About Kos Blog about MAMZ, his activities, his associates and his Salvadoran family background, was used to powerfully impeach the opinions offered by Markos C.A. Moulitsas Zúñiga.

Before the advent of the Internet, it would have been virtually impossible to both research the information available here and disseminate it nationally and internationally, with links to the primary sources that prove the veracity of the information at the Truth About Kos. For example, without access to the Internet to research the many essays of MAMZ, we might never have discovered that he opposed ALL gay service in the military.

Without the Internet and The Truth About Kos, we might not have discovered that the manager of MAMZ's family business in El Salvador is connected to a business group that has been associated with Salvadoran death squads. We might not have discovered that the manager of the MAMZ family business received a million dollar project from the US Government's Overseas Private Investment Council (OPIC). And so we might never have been led by these facts to strongly suspect that MAMZ and member(s) of his family are CIA agents and/or assets.

(I happen to agree with MAMZ that Republican US Representative from Texas Ron Paul is an extremely color-aroused antagonist whose views are antithetical to the interests of Black people. However, I also know that one part of surreptitious misinformation campaigns is to provide true information in some respects while misleading and diverting the public at other critical ways. Although I don't pretend to know the nature of MAMZ's CIA-related responsibilities, if any, the facts of his self-acknowledged CIA involvement and other background stand for themselves.)