Markos Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA wants to "crash the gates" of the Democratic Party to change both the way that the party is run AND the people who are running it. Precisely because he seeks so much responsibility and authority, I believe it is very important that we know as much as we possibly can about Mr. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA.
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA has said,
Obviously, playing in politics is a contact sport. It’s not for people who don’t like to be criticized or are afraid to be criticized. …[T]hat should be obvious.Over the last few days, we have all become aware of Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s speech to the Commonwealth Club, in which he acknowledges spending six months in training at the US Central Intelligence Agency. We have debated at great length what Markos Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA did with the Central Intelligence Agency in 2001. Some of us (including myself) interpret his public declarations to mean that he “worked” at the CIA in 2001 while others acknowledge that he "trained" there but strenuously deny that he "worked" there. Francis Holland Stole My Ideas On Markos and the CIA
Some interpret his statements to mean that Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA had been engaged in training and/or evaluation to become a CIA agent, but that the training and evaluation had not culminated in a formal and publicly acknowledgeable position within the Central Intelligence Agency. Some of Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA's supporters have made allegations that saying that Kos "worked" at the CIA rather than saying that he "trained" there may make some MLW participants liable for libel. I strenuously disagree, based not only on my understanding as an attorney but also based on reason, (poetic) justice and common sense.
One thing is certain: Now, America has a much clearer idea of the kind of leadership this “gate crasher’ offers. For example, if there are panels on extraordinary rendition and Government-sponsored torture at YearlyKos, with the Democratic candidates present, then Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA may perhaps more knowledgeably address these issues from the perspective of the CIA, based on some of his training there.
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA's supporters and enablers will insist that this is not true, although it obviously is true. And so they will insist that this information is too prejudicial to be made public, because publicizing this information will inevitably hurt Kos politically. And here is where the advocacy for the censorship inherent in dictatorship enters the conversation. See "On the Diaries of Francis Holland", an MLW anti-censorship diary. Regarding articles about Kos' contacts with the CIA, see also "An Apology to Markos from an MLW Member," a pro-censorship diary with pro-censorship comments posted at DailyKos.
The question of whether Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA "worked" or "trained" at the CIA depends either both upon our own common sense understanding of the words "work" and "train" as well as the various definitions of these terms as commonly used by the US Government and in other contexts.
A lot of people believe it is very important whether Markos Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA worked at the CIA in 2001. Within three days of the article published last week, at least twelve progressive blogs reported as news the fact that Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA spent time at the CIA. (See partial list of blogs and clippings reporting on this issue in the footnotes here.)
Although some supporters of his believe his time spent at the CIA is a non-issue that can easily be explained away, nonetheless this is an issue of great interest to many people who believe that the CIA is an agency whose goals and methods make participation there, in any form, inconsistent with being a “progressive.” This is why we are having such a great debate over whether Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA worked at the CIA or not. Because if he did “work” there, then many people will conclude that he is unfit to lead progressives in any way, shape or form.
Our democratic political system gives each of us the prerogative and responsibility to decide what we think is important, giving each fact the weight that we, in our individual judgment, believe it is due. So, this question cannot be resolved simply by resolving not to discuss it. It can only be resolved by finding out the facts and applying to these facts the various definitions, including our own, of the word “work,” so that each of us can weigh these factors as s/he will.
When one listens to Moulitsas’ ZÚÑIGA’s comments at the Commonwealth Club, it is quite clear to me that he “worked” at the CIA within the normal meaning of that word. He says that he went there because he was “unemployed, underemployed, unemployed (…) Kinda like, in between jobs, doin’ a little contract work and . . . kinda (…) in this really horrible netherworld of ‘will I make rent next month’ and . . .”
When people are “unemployed” they look for “work,” because only obtaining “work” resolves the problem of being unemployed.
The alternative logic makes no sense to me. If we assume that Moulitsas ZÚNIGA did NOT get paid for his work at the CIA, then we must also assume that he utterly failed to address the foremost reason for which he went there in the first place – to “make rent next month. (Emphasis added.)
Another way to understand whether he worked at the CIA is with reference to Government and other websites that discuss CIA training. The IntelligenceCareers.Com website offers some useful guidance concerning whether it is fair and correct to say that Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA “worked” at the CIA during his six months there in 2001. It says,
The CIA Summer Internship and Student Trainee (Co-op) programs provide students an opportunity to see first hand the role the CIA plays in supporting U.S. foreign policy. Students selected participate in substantive work with assignments commensurate with their academic training.
So, do trainees CIA trainees, as was Markos Moulitsas for six months in 2001, do “work” when they are in training? Do they “work”? Although Moulitsas never mentioned his time spent at the CIA before last year, and did not include in his public resumés, he has not denied that he “worked” at the CIA, but his supporters and defenders have.

The Federal Government offers many training programs and considers trainees to be “working” during their training time, even when the do NOT get paid for their efforts. Here is a page from the CIA’s own website that highlights “paid” “training” offered by the CIA.

Outside of government, in the biotechnology field, Trainees work side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research.”
So, did Markos Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA “work” at the CIA? The word “work” has many different definitions, with one Princeton University online dictionary offering 27 different definitions of the word “work,” of which only nine are relevant to this discussion.
Let’s look at what Markos Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA says he did at the CIA to then determine whether it meets any one of the nine definitions of work offered by the online dictionary. If his involvement meets ANY of these definitions, then we must conclude that he DID “work” at the CIA “in a way.” If his involvement arguably could meet any one of the definitions, then we may need more information to decide whether his involvement actually meets ALL of the relevant definitions.
At this point, the only proof we have of what happened is Markos ZÚÑIGA’s own recorded interview at the Commonwealth Club, combined with publicly available documents about the function of CIA training and training programs in general. I don’t think it is wrong to reprint and quote verbatim from public speeches, and so I do so now for the purpose of examining with particularity exactly what Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA said, with the hopes of understanding exactly what he meant.
Here is my verbatim transcription of Markos Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s entire discussion at the Commonwealth Club of his 2001 CIA involvement:QUESTION: Not long ago, liberals loathed the Central Intelligence Agency as the enemy of democratic governments and they installed dictators around the world, and these days you read the papers and people on the Left are rallying to the defense of the CIA and are indignant when the CIA is politicized. How did this come about, that suddenly liberals are championing the CIA:
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA'S ANSWER: I don’t know. You know I.
QUESTION: Do you find it stranger or ironic, this sudden love for the CIA?
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA'S ANSWER: You know . . . coughs . . . I think a lot of the people that did have problems with the CIA, I mean it was a very vocal minority.
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA'S ANSWER: You know . . . coughs . . . I think a lot of the people that did have problems with the CIA, I mean it was a very vocal minority. I think most people really didn’t think about it all that much. Right? It wasn’t really on their radar screens, ah, in the way that now it is, because now we are in this huge war, and it was the CIA that was warning the Administration against invading because, there were no weapons of mass destruction.
Here’s a little secret I don’t think I’ve ever written about: But in 2001, I was unemployed, underemployed, unemployed. You know I was in that . . You all have been there “dot com” people? Kinda like, in between jobs, doin’ a little contract work and . . . kinda. So, you know. That’s where I was: in this really horrible netherworld of ‘will I make rent next month’ and . . .
So, I applied to the CIA and I went all the way to the end, I mean it was to the point where I was going to sign papers to become Clandestine Services. And it was at that point that the Howard Dean campaign took off and I had to make a decision whether I was gonna kinda join the Howard Dean campaign, that whole process, or was I was going to become a spy. (Laughter in the audience.) It was going to be a tough decision at first, but then the CIA insisted that if, if I joined that, they’d want me to do the first duty assignment in Washington, DC, and I hate Washington, DC. Six years in Washington, DC [inaudible] that makes the decision a lot easier.
[ . . .] This is a very liberal institution. And in a lot of ways, it really does attract people who want to make a better, you know, want to make the world a better place . . . Of course, they’ve got their Dirty Ops and this and that, right but as an institution itself the CIA is really interested in stable world. That’s what they’re interested in. And stable worlds aren’t created by destabilizing regimes and creating wars. Their done so by other means. Assassination labor leaders . . . I’m kidding!
[ . . . ] I don’t think it’s a very partisan thing to want a stable world. And even if you’re protecting American interests, I mean that can get ugly at times, but generally speaking I think their hearts in the right place. As an organization their heart is in the right place. I’ve never had any problem with the CIA. I’d have no problem working for them . Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA at the Commonwealth Club.
But, for those who are not convinced that Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA did work at the CIA, we compare the standard dictionary definitions of the word “work” to Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s own description of what he did at the CIA, paragraph by paragraph, giving Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’s credibility every benefit of the doubt.
Here is the definition that Merriam Websters Online Dictionary provides for the word, “work”:
Main Entry: 3 “work”:Certainly, there are those who will say that this discussion of Kos and the CIA evinces an intent to engage in Kos-bashing." But, is "Kos-bashing" always wrong? The word "bash" is really just a synonym for "criticize strongly and vigorously." Many Kos supporters would argue that, “because Kos is always right, therefore bashing Kos is always wrong.” The corollary to this premise would be that, “If bashing Kos is always wrong, then Kos must always be right.”
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): worked /'w&rkt /; or wrought /'rot/; work•ing
Etymology: Middle English werken, worken, from Old English wyrcan; akin to Old English weorc
transitive verb
1 : to bring to pass : EFFECT
Not applicable.
2 a : to fashion or create a useful or desired product by expending labor or exertion on : FORGE, SHAPE
b : to make or decorate with needlework; especially : EMBROIDER Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA said at the Commonwealth Club, “I applied to the CIA and I went all the way to the end, I mean it was to the point where I was going to sign papers to become Clandestine Services.” If Markos “worked” on getting invited to become a CIA agent during his six months training with the CIA, then he succeeded in his “work. (…)
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA said at the Commonwealth Club, “It was going to be a tough decision at first, but then the CIA insisted that if, if I joined that, they’d want me to do the first duty assignment in Washington, DC, and I hate Washington, DC. Six years in Washington, DC [inaudible] that makes the decision a lot easier.”
So, if the “desired product” of his time at the CIA was to win an invitation to work there permanently, and that is why he was “expending labor or exertion” toward this goal when he was participating in the training program, then he did “work” at the CIA within the meaning of definition (2). He “worked” during the training program on the “desired product” of being invited to join the permanent CIA workforce and he says that he achieved that goal.
7 a : to carry on an operation or perform a job through, at, in, or along (the peddler worked the corner) (a sportscaster hired to work the game)b : to greet and talk with in a friendly way in order to ingratiate oneself or achieve a purpose (politicians working the crowd) (worked the room)
8 : to pay for or achieve with labor or service ("worked my way through college") ("worked my way up in the company") Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA “worked his way through” the required material of the training program and “worked” his way into an invitation to join the CIA as a permanent employee.
9 a : to get (oneself or an object) into or out of a condition or position by gradual stages b : CONTRIVE, ARRANGE (we can work it so that you can take your vacation)
E.g. 'Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA worked on completing CIA training and learning the materials of the training program.'Kos 'worked his way' into an offer of permanent employment at the CIA.

However, NOBODY is always right.

A dictator is one who rules by fiat and force rather than by force of reason, like the oligarchies that enforce their power through the use death squads, torture and other intimidation. All too often, such dictators are supported by the Central Intelligence Agency.
So what's your beef with kos? What about other bloggers? I'm at NetRoots and I'm feeling like I got ripped off quite frankly. I just posted a criticism of the conference and of course am getting flamed at kos left and right. WHATever!!
MARKOS MOULITIS ZUNIGA has intentionally banned me from posting diaries and comments with regard to exposing the following criminal acts,
My name is Lori Zarlenga- Blaquiere. I was born on September 14, 1961 in the state of Rhode Island. I am writing to you for your immediate help. My life is in immediate danger from orders issued by President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri to
assassinate/murder me.
The Department of Justice and law enforcement agencies, among others, are engaged in cover up and carrying out President Bush’s orders to assassinate me.
I filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court of Rhode Island, Blaquiere v. Showa Denko K.K. et al, which involved the United States Governments wrongdoing.
My case settled for a half million dollars ( 500,000). However, the defense lawyers for the defendants omitted additional defendants in the general release which was necessary to close my case. According to Rhode Island law, my lawsuit against the defendants is technically still open to pursue additional discovery damaging to the defendants and the United States Government.
I was informed by a lawyer that the reason the defendant settled my case for a half million dollars was not because of what I already know or what has been published, but for what I do not know that would be uncovered through further discovery in my lawsuit.
My former lawyer Dennis Mackin was paid off to withdraw from my case and not go further with discovery damaging to the defendants.
The defendants are fearful of exposing their criminal activities to date.
You can contact me at my email LoriZarlenga@gmail.com and
my space.com/lorizz Also, you can find me on “google” by entering my name as keyword.
You can view 40 file attachments/exhibits that support my claim by going to www.phillyfuture.org. You have to login my username LoriZarlenga (no spaces). My password is azalea After you login to www.phillyfuture.org click on the link “submit a poll” then click on “home” and then click on the link “40 attachments” to view my exhibits submitted in the United States District Court of Rhode Island.
You can view my photos regarding my kidnapping by law enforcement and cover up by law enforcement at the highest level of the United States Government. Go to www.flickr.com/groups/bushassasinatecitizen/ then go to the bottom of the page and click on the link “your photos”. Also, go to http://bushassasinatecitizen.blogspot.com
My case is legitimate. Please do not disregard my case.
I have evidence and tapes on top officials and law enforcement among others to support my
claims. The current Rhode Island Senators Sheldon Whitehouse , Senator Jack Reed and former Senator Lincoln Chafee, among others are covering up and will not help me.
I posted a diary on the Daily Kos website on August 12, 2007 with regard to mytha life being in immediate danger from orders issued by President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri to assassinate/murder me.
I continued to stay on the Daily Kos website until sometime after 5:00 am and received
comments from the Daily Kos members community. The Daily Kos has over 1 million
members on their website.
On August 12, 2007, I was uploading exhibits, photos, and evidence to the Daily Kos members that support my claims against the United States Government et al.
On August 12, 2007 at approximately between 5:00 am & 6:00 am a West Warwick
Police officer came out to my house at 101 Border Street West Warwick, R.I. and violently banged at the doors at my house and continued to violently bang at the doors of my house for a long period of time in a terrorizing manner. The West Warwick Police Officer was given orders to stop me from getting the truth out to the American public .
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that on August 21, 2007, a West Warwick Police vehicle came
up behind the vehicle where I was located in the back seat with my 5 year
old granddaughter and my mother Victoria Zarlenga who was seated on the passenger
side and my son Michael Zarlenga who was driving the vehicle on Cowesett Avenue
West Warwick, R.I.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that the police officers proceeded to get out of their police
vehicles with their guns drawn and aimed at the vehicle where I was located in the back
seat of the vehicle along with my 5 year old granddaughter, my mother and son .
The Coventry police, East Greenwich Police, the Rhode Island State Police, and the West
Warwick Police were on the scene.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that a West Warwick Police Officer pulled me out of the
vehicle where I was located in the back seat near my 5 year old granddaughter, with my
mother and son in the front seat of the vehicle.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that the Police proceeded to slam me to the ground and force
handcuffs on me and force me in the back seat of the West Warwick Police Vehicle.
I repeatedly asked the West Warwick Police Officer why the police forced handcuffs on
me and forced me in the back seat of the police vehicle, but the West Warwick Police
Officer repeatedly ignored me.
I continued to ask the West Warwick Police Officer why the police forced handcuffs on
me and forced me in the back seat of the police vehicle, he then stated to me that he was
trying to protect me .
While I was in the West Warwick Police vehicle, I observed police officers saluting to
each other with regard to capturing me.
While I was in the back seat of the West Warwick Police vehicle, a West Warwick Police
Officer asked me if I was injured and if I needed to go to the hospital inorder to lure me
into consenting to go to the hospital.
I stated to the West Warwick Police officer that I did not need to go to the hospital.
The West Warwick Police Officer told me that the fire rescue was going to take me to the
hospital for a psych evaluation.
I stated to the West Warwick Police officer that I did not want to go to the hospital and
that I did not need a pych evaluation. However, the West Warwick Police Officer told me
that I had to get into the Fire Rescue and go to the hospital. As a result, I had no other
choice but be taken by fire rescue to Kent County Memorial Hospital for a psych
evaluation without my consent.
My mother told me that the police officers apologized to her and stated to my mother
that they made a mistake .
I was subsequently taken by ambulance and transferred
to Land mark Medical Center without my consent and held hostage in lock down mental
health unit against my will. All of the evidence that was in my favor was ignored
by the doctors, social workers, and psychiatrist at Kent County Memorial Hospital and
Landmark Medical Center. The doctors, social workers, and psychiatrist at Kent County
Memorial Hospital and Land mark Medical Center manipulated and skewed the true facts
to cause me harm in connection with helping law enforcement and United States
Government from preventing me from exposing the truth to the American people and
my case continuing on Appeal with regard to the criminal acts committed by law
enforcement and the United States Government.
My Mother stated to the psychiatrist and nurses at Landmark Medical Center that I was
not delusional or paranoid and that I have never been a danger to myself or others and
that I have no history of mental health, and that I have never had a history of being
prescribed psychiatric medication and that I did not need psychiatric medication
my complaints against law enforcement are legitimate.
However, Dr. Elahi disregarded my mother statements and proceeded to contact his lawyer to
discuss whether or not he should discharge me, despite all evidence in my favor.
My family member stated to me that nurses at Landmark Medial Center made
statements about being disgusted with Dr. Shahid Elahi for consulting with his lawyer
with regard to whether or not to discharge me and delaying my discharge.
The nurses at Landmark Medical Center stated to me that I did not belong at Landmark
Medical Center Mental Health Unit
I have never had a history of mental illness.
On September 4, 2007, I was discharged from Landmark Medical Center.
I have never had a history of being targeted by the United States Government, Federal
and State law enforcement, among others prior to my L-tryptophan lawsuit.
In August of 2007, I had an Appeal pending in the First Circuit United States Court of
Appeals with regard to my December 7, 2006 Complaint against the United States
Government et al. As a result, of being held hostage in the hospital from August 21, 2007
to September of 2007, along with intimidation from law enforcement, among others in
connection with the United States Government I was unable to respond important
deadlines set by the First Circuit United States Court of Appeals . As a result, my Appeal with the First Circuit United States Court of Appeals is in default/dismissed for lack of
diligent prosecution.
As a result of my ingestion of contaminated L-tryptophan manufactured by Showa
Denko K.K., I developed a disease Eosinphilia Myalgia Syndrome. There are
approximately 5,000 people who ingested contaminated L-tryptophan
manufactured by Showa Denko K.K., and developed a disease Eosinphilia Myalgia
Syndrome. There maybe more unreported cases of Eosinphilia Myalgia
Syndrome caused by ingestion of contaminated L-tryptophan .
The L-tryptophan problem is the fault of the FDA due to lack of enforcement of 172.320,
among other violations of the FDA rules. Therefore, the FDA permitted the continued
illegal use of L-tryptophan.
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K., for violation of the FDA
rules mentioned herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold
to the American Public and caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-
tryptophan .
On October 25, 1995, I filed a products liability lawsuit against the Defendants
Showa Denko, K.K., Showa Denko America, Inc. General Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al. in
the State of Rhode Island Superior Court.
My case was transferred to Rhode Island District Court, (Blaquiere v. Showa Denko, K.K.,
Showa Denko America, Inc. General Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al., C.A.No.1:95-629 ).
My case was subsequently transferred for discovery to (MDL) United States District Court
Columbia, South Carolina, C. A. No. 3:96-361-0.
My case (Blaquiere v. Showa Denko, K.K., Showa Denko America, Inc. General
Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al., (C.A.No.1:95-629 ) was remanded to Rhode Island
District Court in 2003.
I hired a lawyer Dennis S. Mackin in 2000/2001 who used my case to file discovery
motions in the(MDL) United States District Court Columbia, South Carolina, (C. A. No. 3:96-
361-0), damaging to the defendant ShowaDenkoK.K.,their lawyers,Cleary,Gottlieb,Steen,and
Hamilton, and the United States Government.
My former lawyer Dennis Mackin was paid off to withdraw from my case and to
not go forward with the discovery motions and depositions damaging to Showa
Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government.
The discovery sought in my case that my former attorney Dennis Mackin filed in 2001 in the(MDL) United States District Court Columbia, South Carolina, (C. A. No. 3:96-361-0) was to demonstrate that Showa Denko K.K. and its attorneys have been involved in a continuing conspiracy to not only circumvent the discovery process, but to manipulate any scientific examination of Showa Denko K.K.’s reckless and wanton conduct”.
The United States Government wiretapped my phones, hacked my computers, surviellanced me during my L-tryptophan litigation and to the present. The United States Government obstructed justice, unlawfully sabotage my case inside and outside of the court system at every level.
My former attorney Dennis Mackin stated in his October 12, 2001 Reply of Plaintiff to Defendant's Motion to Qaush Deposition of Kenneth Rabin , that "additional questions must be answered about political pressure brought to bear upon members of the South Carolina Congressional delegation."" What information was given to Senator Thurmond, Senator Hollings and Congressman Ravenell?"
Documents made by Showa Denko K.K. included a budget attached to their public
relation scheme which was an amount determined for congressional
contracts, including the South Carolina delegation which was for 16, 000.00.
My former attorney Dennis Mackin stated in his motions that, “ The research of
this Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome has been twisted by the endless
manipulations by Showa Denko K.K and their lawyers,Cleary,Gottlieb,Steen,and
Hamilton and their confederates”. “ Worst of all, the scientific literature now
contains representations by shills for Showa Denko K.K. that will cause erroneous
medical science in the future”.
The United States Government is involved in the cover up .
My former attorney Dennis Mackin informed me that a promoter of an EMS
support group was being surveillanced and that anyone that who was viewed as a
threat was being surveillanced and intelligence was gathered .
The defendant Showa Denko K.K. a corrupt corporate giant, their corrupt lawyers,
and the United States Government conspired with all the courts at every level to
sabotage my case and the L-tryptophan litigation.
Showa Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government view me as
a threat, since my lawsuit still remains open that is damaging against Showa
Denko K.K. and General Nutrition Centers (GNC), among others. Also, Showa Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government, President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri fear the threat of civil and criminal action against them for their unlawful criminal activities.
I pose a threat to Showa Denko K.K. and the United States Government since,
my L-tryptophan lawsuit could re-open previous settlements entered into by
2,000- 5,000 L-tryptophan litigants on the basis of fraudulent inducement and the
United States Government's involvement in the cover up.
They were entered into by L-tryptophan Plaintiffs who were unaware of the defendants fraudulent concealment and the United States Government's cover up.
Showa Denko K.K., the United States Government, President George W. Bush and
Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri fear a movie being made and publicizing
their criminal activities which has continued to date.
President George W. Bush's father former President George H. W. Bush Sr. was
President of the United States from 1989 to 1993 during the Eosiophilia Myalgia Syndrome epidemic.
I filed a Complaint on December 7, 2006 against the United States Government et al. in
the United States District Court of Rhode Island, CA. No. 06-534 ML. My complaint is
pending in the First Circuit Court of Appeals. The United States Government have hired
my family, among others as informants to surveillance and gather intelligence on me.
At the time that I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint against a number of defendants
who are employed by the United States Government, I was unaware of orders issued by
President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri to assasinate/
murder me.
I spoke to a state senator with regard to my circumstances of law enforcement on the state and federal level that have harassed, targeted, survillenced me and have come out to my house and follow me on a daily basis. Also, the West Warwick police have even parked at my grandchild’s school shortly after I exposed President George W. Bush orders to assassinate/murder me.
The state senator stated to me that federal law enforcement, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Department of Justice are employed by President George W. Bush.
Moreover, my case is not isolated by a small number of police and law enforcement targeting and surveillanceing me. There are to many law enforcement and police and government officials organized at the highest level on the federal and local level that have targeted and surviellanced me. The state senator stated that the orders to murder me are coming from the President George W. Bush .
Further, the Rhode Island State Police who have been targeting and surviellancing me are given orders from Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri
In June or July of 2007, President George W. Bush came to Rhode Island and went on a
private helicopter ride with Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri and had discussions.
Shortly after I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint against the United States
Government et al, two key defendants named in my complaint retired Captain Gregory
Johnson of the West Warwick Police Department and Supervisory Special Agent
Nicholas Murphy of the Federal Bureau of investigation of R.I., and there may be others
who have also retired.
I am targeted, followed, and surveillanced by police officers, among others in the towns and places I travel in the state of Rhode Island and out of the state of Rhode Island on a daily basis.
The level of intensity and the number of police targeting, surviellancing, and following me has increased after I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint. And now since I have exposed President George W. Bush who issued orders to assassinate/murder me, the level of intensity and the number of police surviellacing and following me has further increased.
My telephones are wiretapped. The United States Government is hacking my computers.
The Federal Bureau of investigation, among others covered up the investigation of the hacking of my computers.
The Federal Bureau of investigation, United States Attorneys Office , Attorney Generals office, Department of Justice, among others are covering up and aware of the fact that I was kidnapped and assaulted by a Warwick Police Officer Joseph Mee on January 22, 2006 that was organized at the highest level of United States Government to assassinate/ murder me.
Further, law enforcement, among others are covering up the fact that on December 15, 2005 and December 16, 2005, Captain Gregg Johnson and Officer Patrick Kelly and the Kent County Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Staff violated my constitutional rights and deprived me of liberty against my will and without my consent to cause me harm in connection with the United States Government and Showa Denko K.K.
On April 14, 2006, I spoke to Laura Lineberry who is Condalezza Rice's personal assistant. Laura Lineberry informed me that she could not help me with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein, and that I should leave a message with the Representative of Secretary of State. I left a message with the Representative of Secretary of State, but no one returned my call.
On April 14, 2006, I contacted the White House comments department in Washington, DC for help with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein, and spoke to a young lady number(77) who stated she would pass on my comments to her supervisor and that her supervisor would summarize my comments and give it to President Bush. On April 14, 2006, I was unaware that President George W. Bush issued orders to assassinate/ murder me.
President George W. Bush, Condalezza Rice's office , nor anyone associated with the White House, responded in any way shape or form to my plea for help with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein.
I have evidence of my telephone calls to the White House, among others.
The IP Addresses with regard to the hacking of my computers have been traced to Washington, D.C.
You can view my complaint at http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov.
My login is: lz0129 My password is 3y6!pomz ( party name is under my married name of Blaquiere) December 8, 2006 thru December 8, 2007 is the date you would use to view my complaint, since December 8, 2006 is the date my complaint was entered by the United States District Court of Rhode Island.
The United States District Court of Rhode Island omitted my supporting exhibits on
Pacer website and have intentionally obstructed my case and deprived me of a fair judicial process, inorder to protect and insulate the United States Government et al.
The L-tryptophan problem is the fault of the FDA due to lack of enforcement of 172.320, among other
violations of the FDA rules. Therefore, the FDA permitted the continued illegal use of L-tryptophan.
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K.,for violation of the FDA rules mentioned
herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold to the American Public and
caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-tryptophan in violation of the FDA rule.
In 1970 FDA considered L-tryptophan (amino acids) , when used as nutrients or dietary supplements, to
be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for those uses, and published that fact in the code of Federal
In 1972 FDA engaged in rule making to withdraw and remove approximately twenty amino acids
including L-tryptophan from the GRAS list ( generally recognized as safe) and to regulate them as
approved food additives that could not be sold without FDA's prior approval in the form of a food
additive petition, (37 Fed. Reg. 6938; April 6, 1972).
In 1973 FDA promulgated a binding substantive rule that is presently on the books, the Food additive
regulation that makes all amino acids, when used as components of dietary supplements,
unsafe food additives that violate the adulteration provisions of Act. 21 C.F.R. 172. 320.
In 1977, FDA seized L-tryptophan tablets on the grounds that the L-tryptophan that they contained
was an unapproved food additive. The court, however, found for the manufacturer of the tablets
because L-tryptophan was still on the FDA's GRAS list, (FDA had failed to remove it after the 1973
rulemaking), and the manufacturer was acting in accordance with the FDA's regulation.
In 1977, FDA deleted the listing of twenty amino acids that were the subject of the 1973 rulemaking
form the GRAS list, ( 42 Fed. Reg. 56720; October 28, 1977).
The FDA never renewed its regulatory action against dietary supplements containing L-tryptophan .
The food additive regulation that the FDA adopted in 1973 does not list (approve) L-tryptophan for
this use, and foods that contain unapproved food additive are deemed to be adulterated (21 U.S.C. 342
(a) (2) (c)).
FDA has not brought an action since 1977 against an L-tryptophan dietary supplement.
The FDA sought to enforce the rule prohibiting the use of amino acids in dietary supplements in two
seizure actions against products containing L-tryptophan. Those seizure actions were not successful.
The U.S. Government voluntarily dismissed the second lawsuit because the lawsuit was controlled by
a very hostile judge and the government feared that it would obtain an adverse ruling that would
insulate all dietary supplements from regulation under the food additive provisions of the act.
The FDA has not made any efforts to regulate amino acids since 1982. FDA ignored the food additive
regulations since 1982. In 1990, there was evidence showing that 30 amino acids other than L-
tryptophan were being sold by at least 22 companies.
The FDA has failed to date to bring charges against Showa Denko K.K. Showa Denko K.K. was in
violation of the FDA Food additive regulation that makes all amino acids, when used as components of
dietary supplements, unsafe food additives that violate the adulteration provisions of Act. 21
C.F.R. 172. 320. FDA should have gone after Showa Denko K.K. on an adulteration charge that the
L-tryptophan in the supplements is an unapproved food additive under 21 U.S.C. 342 (a) (2) (c).
Also, FDA failed to bring charges against Showa Denko K.K. with regard to L-
tryptophan being unfit for food, ( 21 U.S.C. 342 (a) (3). L-trytophan associated with illness
Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome, is unfit for food.
The FDA could have gone after L-tryptophan supplements as drugs. The FDA could have
developed evidence that L-tryptophan used for therapeutic purposes to combat sleeplessness and PMS
which is what L-tryptophan was advertized for is considered a drug and the FDA finding L-tryptophan
had not met the FDA's rational food supplement test would permit the FDA to bring drug charges
against the product under either 21 U.S.C. 321(g) (1) (B) or (c), National Nutritional Foods
Association v. Mathews, 557 F.2nd 325, 334 ( 2d Cir. 1977).
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K.,for violation of the FDA rules mentioned
herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold to the American Public and
caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-tryptophan in violation of the FDA rule.
On the Rhode Island ACLU website, there is a lawsuit against the United States
Government for Illegally surviellacing individuals attending a peace group in Rhode
Island and in other states.
The United States Government has files on these peace groups and have labeled these
peace group individuals as a threat because their simply anti-war.
The illegal acts of our United States Government is not an example of democracy, it is a
Dictatorship ruled by a dictator President George W. Bush who has committed crimes
against humanity and has violated our human rights.
Representative John Conyers Jr, was the Chairman re: the July 18, 1991 hearing on the FDA oversight of L-tryptophan. Representative John Conyers Jr, is currently the Chairman of the U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary who can call for an investigation and immediate congressional hearings into this matter.
Please help me by writing to congress and. to investigate and call for immediate congressional hearings into this matter. Also, contact Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Senator Jack Reed to investigate and call for congressional hearings into this matter. If the American people place enough political pressure to investigate and call for congressional hearings into this matter, then an investigation into this matter will go forward and the truth will be exposed to the American people.
Also, please contact Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Senator Arlen Specter, Senator Charles E. Schumer, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Senator John McCain, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, and all members of the Senate to call for investigation and congressional hearings with regard to law enforcement engaged in an ongoing organized crime to assassinate/murder me by orders issued by President George W. Bush.
President George W. Bush has scammed the American people into believing that the Iraq
war is a "just war" and that the United States military are fighting for democracy,
freedom and for our safety here at home, and yet at the same time President George W.
Bush is committing the worst crimes in american history against innocent american
Please expedite the above and contact me at my email: LoriZarlenga@hotmail.com
You can view documents and obtain information about L-tryptophan and Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome on the National EMS Support Group website at www.nemsn.org
You can find me at myspace.com/lorizz
Also, you can find me at my website www.tiptopwebsite.com/lorizz.
I posted a letter explaining in more detail on my website and on my space.com/lorizz
If you have any questions or want to view my exhibits that support my December 7, 2006 complaint filed in the United States District Court of Rhode Island, then you can e-mail me and I will send you attachments you can view .
Thank You, Lori Zarlenga
You can contact me at my email LoriZarlenga@gmail.com and
my space.com/lorizz Also, you can find me on “google” by entering my name as keyword.
You can view 40 file attachments/exhibits that support my claim by going to www.phillyfuture.org. You have to login my username LoriZarlenga (no spaces). My password is azalea After you login to www.phillyfuture.org click on the link “submit a poll” then click on “home” and then click on the link “40 attachments” to view my exhibits submitted in the United States District Court of Rhode Island.
You can view my photos regarding my kidnapping by law enforcement and cover up by law enforcement at the highest level of the United States Government. Go to www.flickr.com/groups/bushassasinatecitizen/ then go to the bottom of the page and click on the link “your photos”.
My case is legitimate. Please do not disregard my case.
I have evidence and tapes on top officials and law enforcement among others to support my
claims. The current Rhode Island Senators Sheldon Whitehouse , Senator Jack Reed and former Senator Lincoln Chafee, among others are covering up and will not help me.
I posted a diary on the Daily Kos website on August 12, 2007 with regard to mytha life being in immediate danger from orders issued by President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri to assassinate/murder me.
I continued to stay on the Daily Kos website until sometime after 5:00 am and received
comments from the Daily Kos members community. The Daily Kos has over 1 million
members on their website.
On August 12, 2007, I was uploading exhibits, photos, and evidence to the Daily Kos members that support my claims against the United States Government et al.
On August 12, 2007 at approximately between 5:00 am & 6:00 am a West Warwick
Police officer came out to my house at 101 Border Street West Warwick, R.I. and violently banged at the doors at my house and continued to violently bang at the doors of my house for a long period of time in a terrorizing manner. The West Warwick Police Officer was given orders to stop me from getting the truth out to the American public .
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that on August 21, 2007, a West Warwick Police vehicle came
up behind the vehicle where I was located in the back seat with my 5 year
old granddaughter and my mother Victoria Zarlenga who was seated on the passenger
side and my son Michael Zarlenga who was driving the vehicle on Cowesett Avenue
West Warwick, R.I.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that the police officers proceeded to get out of their police
vehicles with their guns drawn and aimed at the vehicle where I was located in the back
seat of the vehicle along with my 5 year old granddaughter, my mother and son .
The Coventry police, East Greenwich Police, the Rhode Island State Police, and the West
Warwick Police were on the scene.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that a West Warwick Police Officer pulled me out of the
vehicle where I was located in the back seat near my 5 year old granddaughter, with my
mother and son in the front seat of the vehicle.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that the Police proceeded to slam me to the ground and force
handcuffs on me and force me in the back seat of the West Warwick Police Vehicle.
I repeatedly asked the West Warwick Police Officer why the police forced handcuffs on
me and forced me in the back seat of the police vehicle, but the West Warwick Police
Officer repeatedly ignored me.
I continued to ask the West Warwick Police Officer why the police forced handcuffs on
me and forced me in the back seat of the police vehicle, he then stated to me that he was
trying to protect me .
While I was in the West Warwick Police vehicle, I observed police officers saluting to
each other with regard to capturing me.
While I was in the back seat of the West Warwick Police vehicle, a West Warwick Police
Officer asked me if I was injured and if I needed to go to the hospital inorder to lure me
into consenting to go to the hospital.
I stated to the West Warwick Police officer that I did not need to go to the hospital.
The West Warwick Police Officer told me that the fire rescue was going to take me to the
hospital for a psych evaluation.
I stated to the West Warwick Police officer that I did not want to go to the hospital and
that I did not need a pych evaluation. However, the West Warwick Police Officer told me
that I had to get into the Fire Rescue and go to the hospital. As a result, I had no other
choice but be taken by fire rescue to Kent County Memorial Hospital for a psych
evaluation without my consent.
My mother told me that the police officers apologized to her and stated to my mother
that they made a mistake .
I was subsequently taken by ambulance and transferred
to Land mark Medical Center without my consent and held hostage in lock down mental
health unit against my will. All of the evidence that was in my favor was ignored
by the doctors, social workers, and psychiatrist at Kent County Memorial Hospital and
Landmark Medical Center. The doctors, social workers, and psychiatrist at Kent County
Memorial Hospital and Land mark Medical Center manipulated and skewed the true facts
to cause me harm in connection with helping law enforcement and United States
Government from preventing me from exposing the truth to the American people and
my case continuing on Appeal with regard to the criminal acts committed by law
enforcement and the United States Government.
My Mother stated to the psychiatrist and nurses at Landmark Medical Center that I was
not delusional or paranoid and that I have never been a danger to myself or others and
that I have no history of mental health, and that I have never had a history of being
prescribed psychiatric medication and that I did not need psychiatric medication
my complaints against law enforcement are legitimate.
However, Dr. Elahi disregarded my mother statements and proceeded to contact his lawyer to
discuss whether or not he should discharge me, despite all evidence in my favor.
My family member stated to me that nurses at Landmark Medial Center made
statements about being disgusted with Dr. Shahid Elahi for consulting with his lawyer
with regard to whether or not to discharge me and delaying my discharge.
The nurses at Landmark Medical Center stated to me that I did not belong at Landmark
Medical Center Mental Health Unit
I have never had a history of mental illness.
On September 4, 2007, I was discharged from Landmark Medical Center.
I have never had a history of being targeted by the United States Government, Federal
and State law enforcement, among others prior to my L-tryptophan lawsuit.
In August of 2007, I had an Appeal pending in the First Circuit United States Court of
Appeals with regard to my December 7, 2006 Complaint against the United States
Government et al. As a result, of being held hostage in the hospital from August 21, 2007
to September of 2007, along with intimidation from law enforcement, among others in
connection with the United States Government I was unable to respond important
deadlines set by the First Circuit United States Court of Appeals . As a result, my Appeal with the First Circuit United States Court of Appeals is in default/dismissed for lack of
diligent prosecution.
As a result of my ingestion of contaminated L-tryptophan manufactured by Showa
Denko K.K., I developed a disease Eosinphilia Myalgia Syndrome. There are
approximately 5,000 people who ingested contaminated L-tryptophan
manufactured by Showa Denko K.K., and developed a disease Eosinphilia Myalgia
Syndrome. There maybe more unreported cases of Eosinphilia Myalgia
Syndrome caused by ingestion of contaminated L-tryptophan .
The L-tryptophan problem is the fault of the FDA due to lack of enforcement of 172.320,
among other violations of the FDA rules. Therefore, the FDA permitted the continued
illegal use of L-tryptophan.
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K., for violation of the FDA
rules mentioned herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold
to the American Public and caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-
tryptophan .
On October 25, 1995, I filed a products liability lawsuit against the Defendants
Showa Denko, K.K., Showa Denko America, Inc. General Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al. in
the State of Rhode Island Superior Court.
My case was transferred to Rhode Island District Court, (Blaquiere v. Showa Denko, K.K.,
Showa Denko America, Inc. General Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al., C.A.No.1:95-629 ).
My case was subsequently transferred for discovery to (MDL) United States District Court
Columbia, South Carolina, C. A. No. 3:96-361-0.
My case (Blaquiere v. Showa Denko, K.K., Showa Denko America, Inc. General
Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al., (C.A.No.1:95-629 ) was remanded to Rhode Island
District Court in 2003.
I hired a lawyer Dennis S. Mackin in 2000/2001 who used my case to file discovery
motions in the(MDL) United States District Court Columbia, South Carolina, (C. A. No. 3:96-
361-0), damaging to the defendant ShowaDenkoK.K.,their lawyers,Cleary,Gottlieb,Steen,and
Hamilton, and the United States Government.
My former lawyer Dennis Mackin was paid off to withdraw from my case and to
not go forward with the discovery motions and depositions damaging to Showa
Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government.
The discovery sought in my case that my former attorney Dennis Mackin filed in 2001 in the(MDL) United States District Court Columbia, South Carolina, (C. A. No. 3:96-361-0) was to demonstrate that Showa Denko K.K. and its attorneys have been involved in a continuing conspiracy to not only circumvent the discovery process, but to manipulate any scientific examination of Showa Denko K.K.’s reckless and wanton conduct”.
The United States Government wiretapped my phones, hacked my computers, surviellanced me during my L-tryptophan litigation and to the present. The United States Government obstructed justice, unlawfully sabotage my case inside and outside of the court system at every level.
My former attorney Dennis Mackin stated in his October 12, 2001 Reply of Plaintiff to Defendant's Motion to Qaush Deposition of Kenneth Rabin , that "additional questions must be answered about political pressure brought to bear upon members of the South Carolina Congressional delegation."" What information was given to Senator Thurmond, Senator Hollings and Congressman Ravenell?"
Documents made by Showa Denko K.K. included a budget attached to their public
relation scheme which was an amount determined for congressional
contracts, including the South Carolina delegation which was for 16, 000.00.
My former attorney Dennis Mackin stated in his motions that, “ The research of
this Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome has been twisted by the endless
manipulations by Showa Denko K.K and their lawyers,Cleary,Gottlieb,Steen,and
Hamilton and their confederates”. “ Worst of all, the scientific literature now
contains representations by shills for Showa Denko K.K. that will cause erroneous
medical science in the future”.
The United States Government is involved in the cover up .
My former attorney Dennis Mackin informed me that a promoter of an EMS
support group was being surveillanced and that anyone that who was viewed as a
threat was being surveillanced and intelligence was gathered .
The defendant Showa Denko K.K. a corrupt corporate giant, their corrupt lawyers,
and the United States Government conspired with all the courts at every level to
sabotage my case and the L-tryptophan litigation.
Showa Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government view me as
a threat, since my lawsuit still remains open that is damaging against Showa
Denko K.K. and General Nutrition Centers (GNC), among others. Also, Showa Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government, President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri fear the threat of civil and criminal action against them for their unlawful criminal activities.
I pose a threat to Showa Denko K.K. and the United States Government since,
my L-tryptophan lawsuit could re-open previous settlements entered into by
2,000- 5,000 L-tryptophan litigants on the basis of fraudulent inducement and the
United States Government's involvement in the cover up.
They were entered into by L-tryptophan Plaintiffs who were unaware of the defendants fraudulent concealment and the United States Government's cover up.
Showa Denko K.K., the United States Government, President George W. Bush and
Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri fear a movie being made and publicizing
their criminal activities which has continued to date.
President George W. Bush's father former President George H. W. Bush Sr. was
President of the United States from 1989 to 1993 during the Eosiophilia Myalgia Syndrome epidemic.
I filed a Complaint on December 7, 2006 against the United States Government et al. in
the United States District Court of Rhode Island, CA. No. 06-534 ML. My complaint is
pending in the First Circuit Court of Appeals. The United States Government have hired
my family, among others as informants to surveillance and gather intelligence on me.
At the time that I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint against a number of defendants
who are employed by the United States Government, I was unaware of orders issued by
President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri to assasinate/
murder me.
I spoke to a state senator with regard to my circumstances of law enforcement on the state and federal level that have harassed, targeted, survillenced me and have come out to my house and follow me on a daily basis. Also, the West Warwick police have even parked at my grandchild’s school shortly after I exposed President George W. Bush orders to assassinate/murder me.
The state senator stated to me that federal law enforcement, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Department of Justice are employed by President George W. Bush.
Moreover, my case is not isolated by a small number of police and law enforcement targeting and surveillanceing me. There are to many law enforcement and police and government officials organized at the highest level on the federal and local level that have targeted and surviellanced me. The state senator stated that the orders to murder me are coming from the President George W. Bush .
Further, the Rhode Island State Police who have been targeting and surviellancing me are given orders from Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri
In June or July of 2007, President George W. Bush came to Rhode Island and went on a
private helicopter ride with Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri and had discussions.
Shortly after I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint against the United States
Government et al, two key defendants named in my complaint retired Captain Gregory
Johnson of the West Warwick Police Department and Supervisory Special Agent
Nicholas Murphy of the Federal Bureau of investigation of R.I., and there may be others
who have also retired.
I am targeted, followed, and surveillanced by police officers, among others in the towns and places I travel in the state of Rhode Island and out of the state of Rhode Island on a daily basis.
The level of intensity and the number of police targeting, surviellancing, and following me has increased after I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint. And now since I have exposed President George W. Bush who issued orders to assassinate/murder me, the level of intensity and the number of police surviellacing and following me has further increased.
My telephones are wiretapped. The United States Government is hacking my computers.
The Federal Bureau of investigation, among others covered up the investigation of the hacking of my computers.
The Federal Bureau of investigation, United States Attorneys Office , Attorney Generals office, Department of Justice, among others are covering up and aware of the fact that I was kidnapped and assaulted by a Warwick Police Officer Joseph Mee on January 22, 2006 that was organized at the highest level of United States Government to assassinate/ murder me.
Further, law enforcement, among others are covering up the fact that on December 15, 2005 and December 16, 2005, Captain Gregg Johnson and Officer Patrick Kelly and the Kent County Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Staff violated my constitutional rights and deprived me of liberty against my will and without my consent to cause me harm in connection with the United States Government and Showa Denko K.K.
On April 14, 2006, I spoke to Laura Lineberry who is Condalezza Rice's personal assistant. Laura Lineberry informed me that she could not help me with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein, and that I should leave a message with the Representative of Secretary of State. I left a message with the Representative of Secretary of State, but no one returned my call.
On April 14, 2006, I contacted the White House comments department in Washington, DC for help with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein, and spoke to a young lady number(77) who stated she would pass on my comments to her supervisor and that her supervisor would summarize my comments and give it to President Bush. On April 14, 2006, I was unaware that President George W. Bush issued orders to assassinate/ murder me.
President George W. Bush, Condalezza Rice's office , nor anyone associated with the White House, responded in any way shape or form to my plea for help with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein.
I have evidence of my telephone calls to the White House, among others.
The IP Addresses with regard to the hacking of my computers have been traced to Washington, D.C.
You can view my complaint at http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov.
My login is: lz0129 My password is 3y6!pomz ( party name is under my married name of Blaquiere) December 8, 2006 thru December 8, 2007 is the date you would use to view my complaint, since December 8, 2006 is the date my complaint was entered by the United States District Court of Rhode Island.
The United States District Court of Rhode Island omitted my supporting exhibits on
Pacer website and have intentionally obstructed my case and deprived me of a fair judicial process, inorder to protect and insulate the United States Government et al.
The L-tryptophan problem is the fault of the FDA due to lack of enforcement of 172.320, among other
violations of the FDA rules. Therefore, the FDA permitted the continued illegal use of L-tryptophan.
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K.,for violation of the FDA rules mentioned
herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold to the American Public and
caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-tryptophan in violation of the FDA rule.
In 1970 FDA considered L-tryptophan (amino acids) , when used as nutrients or dietary supplements, to
be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for those uses, and published that fact in the code of Federal
In 1972 FDA engaged in rule making to withdraw and remove approximately twenty amino acids
including L-tryptophan from the GRAS list ( generally recognized as safe) and to regulate them as
approved food additives that could not be sold without FDA's prior approval in the form of a food
additive petition, (37 Fed. Reg. 6938; April 6, 1972).
In 1973 FDA promulgated a binding substantive rule that is presently on the books, the Food additive
regulation that makes all amino acids, when used as components of dietary supplements,
unsafe food additives that violate the adulteration provisions of Act. 21 C.F.R. 172. 320.
In 1977, FDA seized L-tryptophan tablets on the grounds that the L-tryptophan that they contained
was an unapproved food additive. The court, however, found for the manufacturer of the tablets
because L-tryptophan was still on the FDA's GRAS list, (FDA had failed to remove it after the 1973
rulemaking), and the manufacturer was acting in accordance with the FDA's regulation.
In 1977, FDA deleted the listing of twenty amino acids that were the subject of the 1973 rulemaking
form the GRAS list, ( 42 Fed. Reg. 56720; October 28, 1977).
The FDA never renewed its regulatory action against dietary supplements containing L-tryptophan .
The food additive regulation that the FDA adopted in 1973 does not list (approve) L-tryptophan for
this use, and foods that contain unapproved food additive are deemed to be adulterated (21 U.S.C. 342
(a) (2) (c)).
FDA has not brought an action since 1977 against an L-tryptophan dietary supplement.
The FDA sought to enforce the rule prohibiting the use of amino acids in dietary supplements in two
seizure actions against products containing L-tryptophan. Those seizure actions were not successful.
The U.S. Government voluntarily dismissed the second lawsuit because the lawsuit was controlled by
a very hostile judge and the government feared that it would obtain an adverse ruling that would
insulate all dietary supplements from regulation under the food additive provisions of the act.
The FDA has not made any efforts to regulate amino acids since 1982. FDA ignored the food additive
regulations since 1982. In 1990, there was evidence showing that 30 amino acids other than L-
tryptophan were being sold by at least 22 companies.
The FDA has failed to date to bring charges against Showa Denko K.K. Showa Denko K.K. was in
violation of the FDA Food additive regulation that makes all amino acids, when used as components of
dietary supplements, unsafe food additives that violate the adulteration provisions of Act. 21
C.F.R. 172. 320. FDA should have gone after Showa Denko K.K. on an adulteration charge that the
L-tryptophan in the supplements is an unapproved food additive under 21 U.S.C. 342 (a) (2) (c).
Also, FDA failed to bring charges against Showa Denko K.K. with regard to L-
tryptophan being unfit for food, ( 21 U.S.C. 342 (a) (3). L-trytophan associated with illness
Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome, is unfit for food.
The FDA could have gone after L-tryptophan supplements as drugs. The FDA could have
developed evidence that L-tryptophan used for therapeutic purposes to combat sleeplessness and PMS
which is what L-tryptophan was advertized for is considered a drug and the FDA finding L-tryptophan
had not met the FDA's rational food supplement test would permit the FDA to bring drug charges
against the product under either 21 U.S.C. 321(g) (1) (B) or (c), National Nutritional Foods
Association v. Mathews, 557 F.2nd 325, 334 ( 2d Cir. 1977).
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K.,for violation of the FDA rules mentioned
herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold to the American Public and
caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-tryptophan in violation of the FDA rule.
On the Rhode Island ACLU website, there is a lawsuit against the United States
Government for Illegally surviellacing individuals attending a peace group in Rhode
Island and in other states.
The United States Government has files on these peace groups and have labeled these
peace group individuals as a threat because their simply anti-war.
The illegal acts of our United States Government is not an example of democracy, it is a
Dictatorship ruled by a dictator President George W. Bush who has committed crimes
against humanity and has violated our human rights.
Representative John Conyers Jr, was the Chairman re: the July 18, 1991 hearing on the FDA oversight of L-tryptophan. Representative John Conyers Jr, is currently the Chairman of the U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary who can call for an investigation and immediate congressional hearings into this matter.
Please help me by writing to congress and. to investigate and call for immediate congressional hearings into this matter. Also, contact Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Senator Jack Reed to investigate and call for congressional hearings into this matter. If the American people place enough political pressure to investigate and call for congressional hearings into this matter, then an investigation into this matter will go forward and the truth will be exposed to the American people.
Also, please contact Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Senator Arlen Specter, Senator Charles E. Schumer, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Senator John McCain, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, and all members of the Senate to call for investigation and congressional hearings with regard to law enforcement engaged in an ongoing organized crime to assassinate/murder me by orders issued by President George W. Bush.
President George W. Bush has scammed the American people into believing that the Iraq
war is a "just war" and that the United States military are fighting for democracy,
freedom and for our safety here at home, and yet at the same time President George W.
Bush is committing the worst crimes in american history against innocent american
Please expedite the above and contact me at my email: LoriZarlenga@hotmail.com
You can view documents and obtain information about L-tryptophan and Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome on the National EMS Support Group website at www.nemsn.org
You can find me at myspace.com/lorizz
Also, you can find me at my website www.tiptopwebsite.com/lorizz.
I posted a letter explaining in more detail on my website and on my space.com/lorizz
If you have any questions or want to view my exhibits that support my December 7, 2006 complaint filed in the United States District Court of Rhode Island, then you can e-mail me and I will send you attachments you can view .
Thank You, Lori Zarlenga
You can contact me at my email LoriZarlenga@gmail.com and
my space.com/lorizz Also, you can find me on “google” by entering my name as keyword.
You can view 40 file attachments/exhibits that support my claim by going to www.phillyfuture.org. You have to login my username LoriZarlenga (no spaces). My password is azalea After you login to www.phillyfuture.org click on the link “submit a poll” then click on “home” and then click on the link “40 attachments” to view my exhibits submitted in the United States District Court of Rhode Island.
You can view my photos regarding my kidnapping by law enforcement and cover up by law enforcement at the highest level of the United States Government. Go to www.flickr.com/groups/bushassasinatecitizen/ then go to the bottom of the page and click on the link “your photos”.
My case is legitimate. Please do not disregard my case.
I have evidence and tapes on top officials and law enforcement among others to support my
claims. The current Rhode Island Senators Sheldon Whitehouse , Senator Jack Reed and former Senator Lincoln Chafee, among others are covering up and will not help me.
I posted a diary on the Daily Kos website on August 12, 2007 with regard to mytha life being in immediate danger from orders issued by President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri to assassinate/murder me.
I continued to stay on the Daily Kos website until sometime after 5:00 am and received
comments from the Daily Kos members community. The Daily Kos has over 1 million
members on their website.
On August 12, 2007, I was uploading exhibits, photos, and evidence to the Daily Kos members that support my claims against the United States Government et al.
On August 12, 2007 at approximately between 5:00 am & 6:00 am a West Warwick
Police officer came out to my house at 101 Border Street West Warwick, R.I. and violently banged at the doors at my house and continued to violently bang at the doors of my house for a long period of time in a terrorizing manner. The West Warwick Police Officer was given orders to stop me from getting the truth out to the American public .
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that on August 21, 2007, a West Warwick Police vehicle came
up behind the vehicle where I was located in the back seat with my 5 year
old granddaughter and my mother Victoria Zarlenga who was seated on the passenger
side and my son Michael Zarlenga who was driving the vehicle on Cowesett Avenue
West Warwick, R.I.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that the police officers proceeded to get out of their police
vehicles with their guns drawn and aimed at the vehicle where I was located in the back
seat of the vehicle along with my 5 year old granddaughter, my mother and son .
The Coventry police, East Greenwich Police, the Rhode Island State Police, and the West
Warwick Police were on the scene.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that a West Warwick Police Officer pulled me out of the
vehicle where I was located in the back seat near my 5 year old granddaughter, with my
mother and son in the front seat of the vehicle.
I Lori Ann Zarlenga state that the Police proceeded to slam me to the ground and force
handcuffs on me and force me in the back seat of the West Warwick Police Vehicle.
I repeatedly asked the West Warwick Police Officer why the police forced handcuffs on
me and forced me in the back seat of the police vehicle, but the West Warwick Police
Officer repeatedly ignored me.
I continued to ask the West Warwick Police Officer why the police forced handcuffs on
me and forced me in the back seat of the police vehicle, he then stated to me that he was
trying to protect me .
While I was in the West Warwick Police vehicle, I observed police officers saluting to
each other with regard to capturing me.
While I was in the back seat of the West Warwick Police vehicle, a West Warwick Police
Officer asked me if I was injured and if I needed to go to the hospital inorder to lure me
into consenting to go to the hospital.
I stated to the West Warwick Police officer that I did not need to go to the hospital.
The West Warwick Police Officer told me that the fire rescue was going to take me to the
hospital for a psych evaluation.
I stated to the West Warwick Police officer that I did not want to go to the hospital and
that I did not need a pych evaluation. However, the West Warwick Police Officer told me
that I had to get into the Fire Rescue and go to the hospital. As a result, I had no other
choice but be taken by fire rescue to Kent County Memorial Hospital for a psych
evaluation without my consent.
My mother told me that the police officers apologized to her and stated to my mother
that they made a mistake .
I was subsequently taken by ambulance and transferred
to Land mark Medical Center without my consent and held hostage in lock down mental
health unit against my will. All of the evidence that was in my favor was ignored
by the doctors, social workers, and psychiatrist at Kent County Memorial Hospital and
Landmark Medical Center. The doctors, social workers, and psychiatrist at Kent County
Memorial Hospital and Land mark Medical Center manipulated and skewed the true facts
to cause me harm in connection with helping law enforcement and United States
Government from preventing me from exposing the truth to the American people and
my case continuing on Appeal with regard to the criminal acts committed by law
enforcement and the United States Government.
My Mother stated to the psychiatrist and nurses at Landmark Medical Center that I was
not delusional or paranoid and that I have never been a danger to myself or others and
that I have no history of mental health, and that I have never had a history of being
prescribed psychiatric medication and that I did not need psychiatric medication
my complaints against law enforcement are legitimate.
However, Dr. Elahi disregarded my mother statements and proceeded to contact his lawyer to
discuss whether or not he should discharge me, despite all evidence in my favor.
My family member stated to me that nurses at Landmark Medial Center made
statements about being disgusted with Dr. Shahid Elahi for consulting with his lawyer
with regard to whether or not to discharge me and delaying my discharge.
The nurses at Landmark Medical Center stated to me that I did not belong at Landmark
Medical Center Mental Health Unit
I have never had a history of mental illness.
On September 4, 2007, I was discharged from Landmark Medical Center.
I have never had a history of being targeted by the United States Government, Federal
and State law enforcement, among others prior to my L-tryptophan lawsuit.
In August of 2007, I had an Appeal pending in the First Circuit United States Court of
Appeals with regard to my December 7, 2006 Complaint against the United States
Government et al. As a result, of being held hostage in the hospital from August 21, 2007
to September of 2007, along with intimidation from law enforcement, among others in
connection with the United States Government I was unable to respond important
deadlines set by the First Circuit United States Court of Appeals . As a result, my Appeal with the First Circuit United States Court of Appeals is in default/dismissed for lack of
diligent prosecution.
As a result of my ingestion of contaminated L-tryptophan manufactured by Showa
Denko K.K., I developed a disease Eosinphilia Myalgia Syndrome. There are
approximately 5,000 people who ingested contaminated L-tryptophan
manufactured by Showa Denko K.K., and developed a disease Eosinphilia Myalgia
Syndrome. There maybe more unreported cases of Eosinphilia Myalgia
Syndrome caused by ingestion of contaminated L-tryptophan .
The L-tryptophan problem is the fault of the FDA due to lack of enforcement of 172.320,
among other violations of the FDA rules. Therefore, the FDA permitted the continued
illegal use of L-tryptophan.
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K., for violation of the FDA
rules mentioned herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold
to the American Public and caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-
tryptophan .
On October 25, 1995, I filed a products liability lawsuit against the Defendants
Showa Denko, K.K., Showa Denko America, Inc. General Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al. in
the State of Rhode Island Superior Court.
My case was transferred to Rhode Island District Court, (Blaquiere v. Showa Denko, K.K.,
Showa Denko America, Inc. General Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al., C.A.No.1:95-629 ).
My case was subsequently transferred for discovery to (MDL) United States District Court
Columbia, South Carolina, C. A. No. 3:96-361-0.
My case (Blaquiere v. Showa Denko, K.K., Showa Denko America, Inc. General
Nutrition Centers (GNC), et al., (C.A.No.1:95-629 ) was remanded to Rhode Island
District Court in 2003.
I hired a lawyer Dennis S. Mackin in 2000/2001 who used my case to file discovery
motions in the(MDL) United States District Court Columbia, South Carolina, (C. A. No. 3:96-
361-0), damaging to the defendant ShowaDenkoK.K.,their lawyers,Cleary,Gottlieb,Steen,and
Hamilton, and the United States Government.
My former lawyer Dennis Mackin was paid off to withdraw from my case and to
not go forward with the discovery motions and depositions damaging to Showa
Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government.
The discovery sought in my case that my former attorney Dennis Mackin filed in 2001 in the(MDL) United States District Court Columbia, South Carolina, (C. A. No. 3:96-361-0) was to demonstrate that Showa Denko K.K. and its attorneys have been involved in a continuing conspiracy to not only circumvent the discovery process, but to manipulate any scientific examination of Showa Denko K.K.’s reckless and wanton conduct”.
The United States Government wiretapped my phones, hacked my computers, surviellanced me during my L-tryptophan litigation and to the present. The United States Government obstructed justice, unlawfully sabotage my case inside and outside of the court system at every level.
My former attorney Dennis Mackin stated in his October 12, 2001 Reply of Plaintiff to Defendant's Motion to Qaush Deposition of Kenneth Rabin , that "additional questions must be answered about political pressure brought to bear upon members of the South Carolina Congressional delegation."" What information was given to Senator Thurmond, Senator Hollings and Congressman Ravenell?"
Documents made by Showa Denko K.K. included a budget attached to their public
relation scheme which was an amount determined for congressional
contracts, including the South Carolina delegation which was for 16, 000.00.
My former attorney Dennis Mackin stated in his motions that, “ The research of
this Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome has been twisted by the endless
manipulations by Showa Denko K.K and their lawyers,Cleary,Gottlieb,Steen,and
Hamilton and their confederates”. “ Worst of all, the scientific literature now
contains representations by shills for Showa Denko K.K. that will cause erroneous
medical science in the future”.
The United States Government is involved in the cover up .
My former attorney Dennis Mackin informed me that a promoter of an EMS
support group was being surveillanced and that anyone that who was viewed as a
threat was being surveillanced and intelligence was gathered .
The defendant Showa Denko K.K. a corrupt corporate giant, their corrupt lawyers,
and the United States Government conspired with all the courts at every level to
sabotage my case and the L-tryptophan litigation.
Showa Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government view me as
a threat, since my lawsuit still remains open that is damaging against Showa
Denko K.K. and General Nutrition Centers (GNC), among others. Also, Showa Denko K.K., their lawyers, and the United States Government, President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri fear the threat of civil and criminal action against them for their unlawful criminal activities.
I pose a threat to Showa Denko K.K. and the United States Government since,
my L-tryptophan lawsuit could re-open previous settlements entered into by
2,000- 5,000 L-tryptophan litigants on the basis of fraudulent inducement and the
United States Government's involvement in the cover up.
They were entered into by L-tryptophan Plaintiffs who were unaware of the defendants fraudulent concealment and the United States Government's cover up.
Showa Denko K.K., the United States Government, President George W. Bush and
Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri fear a movie being made and publicizing
their criminal activities which has continued to date.
President George W. Bush's father former President George H. W. Bush Sr. was
President of the United States from 1989 to 1993 during the Eosiophilia Myalgia Syndrome epidemic.
I filed a Complaint on December 7, 2006 against the United States Government et al. in
the United States District Court of Rhode Island, CA. No. 06-534 ML. My complaint is
pending in the First Circuit Court of Appeals. The United States Government have hired
my family, among others as informants to surveillance and gather intelligence on me.
At the time that I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint against a number of defendants
who are employed by the United States Government, I was unaware of orders issued by
President George W. Bush and Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri to assasinate/
murder me.
I spoke to a state senator with regard to my circumstances of law enforcement on the state and federal level that have harassed, targeted, survillenced me and have come out to my house and follow me on a daily basis. Also, the West Warwick police have even parked at my grandchild’s school shortly after I exposed President George W. Bush orders to assassinate/murder me.
The state senator stated to me that federal law enforcement, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Department of Justice are employed by President George W. Bush.
Moreover, my case is not isolated by a small number of police and law enforcement targeting and surveillanceing me. There are to many law enforcement and police and government officials organized at the highest level on the federal and local level that have targeted and surviellanced me. The state senator stated that the orders to murder me are coming from the President George W. Bush .
Further, the Rhode Island State Police who have been targeting and surviellancing me are given orders from Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri
In June or July of 2007, President George W. Bush came to Rhode Island and went on a
private helicopter ride with Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri and had discussions.
Shortly after I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint against the United States
Government et al, two key defendants named in my complaint retired Captain Gregory
Johnson of the West Warwick Police Department and Supervisory Special Agent
Nicholas Murphy of the Federal Bureau of investigation of R.I., and there may be others
who have also retired.
I am targeted, followed, and surveillanced by police officers, among others in the towns and places I travel in the state of Rhode Island and out of the state of Rhode Island on a daily basis.
The level of intensity and the number of police targeting, surviellancing, and following me has increased after I filed my December 7, 2006 complaint. And now since I have exposed President George W. Bush who issued orders to assassinate/murder me, the level of intensity and the number of police surviellacing and following me has further increased.
My telephones are wiretapped. The United States Government is hacking my computers.
The Federal Bureau of investigation, among others covered up the investigation of the hacking of my computers.
The Federal Bureau of investigation, United States Attorneys Office , Attorney Generals office, Department of Justice, among others are covering up and aware of the fact that I was kidnapped and assaulted by a Warwick Police Officer Joseph Mee on January 22, 2006 that was organized at the highest level of United States Government to assassinate/ murder me.
Further, law enforcement, among others are covering up the fact that on December 15, 2005 and December 16, 2005, Captain Gregg Johnson and Officer Patrick Kelly and the Kent County Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Staff violated my constitutional rights and deprived me of liberty against my will and without my consent to cause me harm in connection with the United States Government and Showa Denko K.K.
On April 14, 2006, I spoke to Laura Lineberry who is Condalezza Rice's personal assistant. Laura Lineberry informed me that she could not help me with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein, and that I should leave a message with the Representative of Secretary of State. I left a message with the Representative of Secretary of State, but no one returned my call.
On April 14, 2006, I contacted the White House comments department in Washington, DC for help with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein, and spoke to a young lady number(77) who stated she would pass on my comments to her supervisor and that her supervisor would summarize my comments and give it to President Bush. On April 14, 2006, I was unaware that President George W. Bush issued orders to assassinate/ murder me.
President George W. Bush, Condalezza Rice's office , nor anyone associated with the White House, responded in any way shape or form to my plea for help with regard to my circumstances mentioned herein.
I have evidence of my telephone calls to the White House, among others.
The IP Addresses with regard to the hacking of my computers have been traced to Washington, D.C.
You can view my complaint at http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov.
My login is: lz0129 My password is 3y6!pomz ( party name is under my married name of Blaquiere) December 8, 2006 thru December 8, 2007 is the date you would use to view my complaint, since December 8, 2006 is the date my complaint was entered by the United States District Court of Rhode Island.
The United States District Court of Rhode Island omitted my supporting exhibits on
Pacer website and have intentionally obstructed my case and deprived me of a fair judicial process, inorder to protect and insulate the United States Government et al.
The L-tryptophan problem is the fault of the FDA due to lack of enforcement of 172.320, among other
violations of the FDA rules. Therefore, the FDA permitted the continued illegal use of L-tryptophan.
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K.,for violation of the FDA rules mentioned
herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold to the American Public and
caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-tryptophan in violation of the FDA rule.
In 1970 FDA considered L-tryptophan (amino acids) , when used as nutrients or dietary supplements, to
be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for those uses, and published that fact in the code of Federal
In 1972 FDA engaged in rule making to withdraw and remove approximately twenty amino acids
including L-tryptophan from the GRAS list ( generally recognized as safe) and to regulate them as
approved food additives that could not be sold without FDA's prior approval in the form of a food
additive petition, (37 Fed. Reg. 6938; April 6, 1972).
In 1973 FDA promulgated a binding substantive rule that is presently on the books, the Food additive
regulation that makes all amino acids, when used as components of dietary supplements,
unsafe food additives that violate the adulteration provisions of Act. 21 C.F.R. 172. 320.
In 1977, FDA seized L-tryptophan tablets on the grounds that the L-tryptophan that they contained
was an unapproved food additive. The court, however, found for the manufacturer of the tablets
because L-tryptophan was still on the FDA's GRAS list, (FDA had failed to remove it after the 1973
rulemaking), and the manufacturer was acting in accordance with the FDA's regulation.
In 1977, FDA deleted the listing of twenty amino acids that were the subject of the 1973 rulemaking
form the GRAS list, ( 42 Fed. Reg. 56720; October 28, 1977).
The FDA never renewed its regulatory action against dietary supplements containing L-tryptophan .
The food additive regulation that the FDA adopted in 1973 does not list (approve) L-tryptophan for
this use, and foods that contain unapproved food additive are deemed to be adulterated (21 U.S.C. 342
(a) (2) (c)).
FDA has not brought an action since 1977 against an L-tryptophan dietary supplement.
The FDA sought to enforce the rule prohibiting the use of amino acids in dietary supplements in two
seizure actions against products containing L-tryptophan. Those seizure actions were not successful.
The U.S. Government voluntarily dismissed the second lawsuit because the lawsuit was controlled by
a very hostile judge and the government feared that it would obtain an adverse ruling that would
insulate all dietary supplements from regulation under the food additive provisions of the act.
The FDA has not made any efforts to regulate amino acids since 1982. FDA ignored the food additive
regulations since 1982. In 1990, there was evidence showing that 30 amino acids other than L-
tryptophan were being sold by at least 22 companies.
The FDA has failed to date to bring charges against Showa Denko K.K. Showa Denko K.K. was in
violation of the FDA Food additive regulation that makes all amino acids, when used as components of
dietary supplements, unsafe food additives that violate the adulteration provisions of Act. 21
C.F.R. 172. 320. FDA should have gone after Showa Denko K.K. on an adulteration charge that the
L-tryptophan in the supplements is an unapproved food additive under 21 U.S.C. 342 (a) (2) (c).
Also, FDA failed to bring charges against Showa Denko K.K. with regard to L-
tryptophan being unfit for food, ( 21 U.S.C. 342 (a) (3). L-trytophan associated with illness
Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome, is unfit for food.
The FDA could have gone after L-tryptophan supplements as drugs. The FDA could have
developed evidence that L-tryptophan used for therapeutic purposes to combat sleeplessness and PMS
which is what L-tryptophan was advertized for is considered a drug and the FDA finding L-tryptophan
had not met the FDA's rational food supplement test would permit the FDA to bring drug charges
against the product under either 21 U.S.C. 321(g) (1) (B) or (c), National Nutritional Foods
Association v. Mathews, 557 F.2nd 325, 334 ( 2d Cir. 1977).
If the FDA had enforced action against Showa Denko K.K.,for violation of the FDA rules mentioned
herein, then L-tryptophan would not have been on the market and sold to the American Public and
caused death and illnesses associated with the sales of L-tryptophan in violation of the FDA rule.
On the Rhode Island ACLU website, there is a lawsuit against the United States
Government for Illegally surviellacing individuals attending a peace group in Rhode
Island and in other states.
The United States Government has files on these peace groups and have labeled these
peace group individuals as a threat because their simply anti-war.
The illegal acts of our United States Government is not an example of democracy, it is a
Dictatorship ruled by a dictator President George W. Bush who has committed crimes
against humanity and has violated our human rights.
Representative John Conyers Jr, was the Chairman re: the July 18, 1991 hearing on the FDA oversight of L-tryptophan. Representative John Conyers Jr, is currently the Chairman of the U.S.
House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary who can call for an investigation and immediate congressional hearings into this matter.
Please help me by writing to congress and. to investigate and call for immediate congressional hearings into this matter. Also, contact Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Senator Jack Reed to investigate and call for congressional hearings into this matter. If the American people place enough political pressure to investigate and call for congressional hearings into this matter, then an investigation into this matter will go forward and the truth will be exposed to the American people.
Also, please contact Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Senator Arlen Specter, Senator Charles E. Schumer, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Senator John McCain, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, and all members of the Senate to call for investigation and congressional hearings with regard to law enforcement engaged in an ongoing organized crime to assassinate/murder me by orders issued by President George W. Bush.
President George W. Bush has scammed the American people into believing that the Iraq
war is a "just war" and that the United States military are fighting for democracy,
freedom and for our safety here at home, and yet at the same time President George W.
Bush is committing the worst crimes in american history against innocent american
Please expedite the above and contact me at my email: LoriZarlenga@hotmail.com
You can view documents and obtain information about L-tryptophan and Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome on the National EMS Support Group website at www.nemsn.org
You can find me at myspace.com/lorizz
Also, you can find me at my website www.tiptopwebsite.com/lorizz.
I posted a letter explaining in more detail on my website and on my space.com/lorizz
If you have any questions or want to view my exhibits that support my December 7, 2006 complaint filed in the United States District Court of Rhode Island, then you can e-mail me and I will send you attachments you can view .
Thank You, Lori Zarlenga
Lori, you should include some links to the government documents supporting your contentions.
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