Of course, I feel personally gratified when visitors read the Truth About Kos blog and are able to find the answers to questions and doubts that may have been nagging them for days, weeks or years with respect to Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) and his Salvadoran oligarchy family. New online book says Kos' "family hotel" manager is also president of the Association of Salvadoran Hotels and president of the Salvadoran National Tourism Board.)
While it is certainly true that many visitors reach this blog to research MAMZ's sexuality, my "Truth About Kos" Site Meter tells me that others are seeking information about a gay tourist mecca in Greece, which is a city called "Kos" on an island called "Kos." Kos--the CIA-trained blogger--is half-Greek and that only fuels the confusion. Army buddies seem to have given "Kos" a nickname that, when Googled, leads directly to gay tourism advertisements as well as MAMZ's subsequent letter castigating both President Bill Clinton and gays over their advocacy for gays in the US military.

Ironically, when you publicly speak and write about that which you most hate and fear, and publish those sentiments and writings, then you ultimately become inseparable at Google from the supposed vice that you so vehemently oppose. The Senator Larry Craig case and many others show that this association is not necessarily unfair.
The confusion between Kos, the blogger media mogul, and Kos the gay island mecca is ironic in light of the letter (MAMZ) once sent to his college newspaper, the Northern Star, in which MAMZ vehemently opposed ALL gay service in the US Armed Forces. Ironically, just a couple of years earlier, MAMZ says his Army buddies gave him is the name "Kos," which is also the name of a notoriously gay-friendly Greek Island and city. Ironically, he says he joined the military in the hopes that it would make a "real man" out of him.
The letter shows an ill-formed sense of gender-self, as well a suspiciously over-heated opposition to gay rights, in which he makes an all-too-obvious effort to distinguish, distance and literally separate himself from other Army recruits who were gay. He said he was afraid they were looking at his underpants. It sounds like unnecessary angst to me. In my opinion, (although MAMZ would apparently disagree with me), it is entirely possible to be both gay AND a "real man."
So, as the screen-shot below shows, Google users come to the Truth About Kos blog in search of a "gay kos sauna." This blog has no information connecting Markos Moulitsas to a "gay Kos sauna." If we find any, we will certainly post it here, along with the other curious coincidences between MAMZ, his Army nickname, his half-Greek heritage, and his opposition to gay rights.

1 comment:
Hi. Very interesting Blog. Not really what i have searched over Google,
but thanks for the information.
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