Saturday, October 16, 2010

Public More Interested in MAMZ's Sexuality (Is he gay?) than His Ties to CIA

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13 of todays 23 search engine hits 
seek information about MAMZ's sexuality.

Some readers have misunderstood my purpose in researching and then republishing the virulently homophobic "opinion" that Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) wrote and published in his college newspaper, the Northern Star, on January 25, 1993.  In fact, my purpose in republishing the letter was to demonstrate that MAMZ never has been a liberal and that he took a position on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" that was far to the right of the most conservative members of the US Congress.

MAMZ opined that ALL gays should be banned from military service, whether they were "out" or not, because, in his words, living around gay men was "inherently uncomfortable" for his "sensibilities."

Once I circulated this letter, people at other blogs felt duped by MAMZ.  They pointed out their profound doubt and adolescent discomfort that MAMZ expressed about his own sexuality in the letter and about, as one Googler put it, "markos moulitsas sexual orientation."

By writing and publishing the letter, with all of its vehemence against gays, MAMZ convinced many at his college school and elsewhere that MAMZ "doth protest too much" for his own sexuality to be taken for what he implicitly has claimed it to be, by marrying and having children.  All who read MAMZ's letter come away from it questioning his "manhood", particularly when they take the letter in the context of his 2006 essay, "The Soldier in Me", in which MAMZ wrote:
But basic training was the best thing to ever happen to me. They say they break you down in basic training so they can rebuild you into a real man. I was already broken when I arrived at Fort Sill. For me, it was all building.
When MAMZ's college "opinion" was first published in 1993, even MAMZ's fellow students at Northern Illinois University (NIU) took issue with it, arguing, for example that MAMZ had a:
Bad Attitude
Posted: Friday, February 5, 1993 12:00 am
I'd like to address this letter to Marcos C. Moulitsas. First, do not assume that former military service people share your views. Rest assured that this one does not. I resent the fact that you assume that just because I'm prior service, I share your opinion.
Second, if a military unit is inefficient and morale is down, that is the entire unit's fault and not just one soldier's fault. As military personnel, we are trained to accomplish a mission. If you cannot accomplish that mission because you're worried about who's watching you while you change your underwear, it sounds like you don't have the right mental attitude.
MAMZ's sexuality has been controversial at least since his published opinion, whose title, "Military right" attempted to conflate military service and opposition to gays with manliness.  It is easy to appreciate how offended MAMZ was to learn that, far from proving manliness, many gays (just like him?) were serving in the Armed Forces just as he was.  Joining the Army would not prove he was a man after all.  He said as much when he expressed his concerned in writing that:
Worrying that the homosexual sleeping next to you is watching as you change your underwear may seem trivial as you read this . . . 
Maybe if MAMZ had served in a foxhole in Iraq instead of in Bamburg, Germany, MAMZ would have had more immediate and pressing concerns than the ones he expressed about his and others' comparative sexuality?  Actually, his questions about his own sexuality and others' probably would have followed him wherever he went, just as the length of his penis would have.

MAMZ explicitly and denotatively explained in the American Prospect article that he did not consider himself to be a "real man" before his basic training, but that it was the US Army that metamorphized him into a "real man" over the course of six weeks of basic training.  When readers hear this, they cannot be blamed if they are reminded of one nationally-known Black preacher who inveighs against gays and gay rights while acknowledging that he took part in sexual rectification therapy to remove his gayness, and he now assures the public that it took the gay out of him.

Some readers undoubtedly hear such protestations and say,
That's nonsense.  You cannot be taught to not be gay if you are gay, and joining the service while gay and then advocating that no other gays should join the Service is not going to make MAMZ or anyone else into a "real man."
MAMZ took it as a compliment when his fellow soldiers gave him the nickname "Kos", perhaps unaware that "Kos" was also the name a gay tourism island mecca on the island of "Kos", off the coast of Greece.  It is entirely possible that some who served with him, including those who nicknamed him, were more worldly about geography and local cultures than he was, and they expressed their opinion of him (which was pretty much the same as he had about himself) through the nickname that he perhaps mistakenly understood as a compliment.

The Truth About Kos Site Meter shows the public doubts.  Of twenty-three visitors to the Truth About Kos blog from midnight last night until 20:00 hours this evening, twelve (over half) have come to this blog to discover whether Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga is gay or not.  The curiosity about his sexuality is perhaps natural since so little else is known about his background, including what the "C" in "Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga stands for.

For all we know, it stands for "come" or "copulation."  Why doesn't he just tell us what the "C" stands for?  Is it because he is afraid of the proved association with  Carlos Alberto Delgado Zúñiga?  It would be awkward, indeed, to share two middle names with a family member whose international Baja Salt Group corporation has participated in polluting "pristine grey whale and sea turtle spawning grounds and habitat in Baja Mexico."  Indictment, (18).

These Google and other searches have come from Franklin, MA; Charlotte, NC, Chicago, IL; Hyde Park, NY, and from as far away as Moulineaux, France.   Even people who cannot spell MAMZ's name, e.g. "markos malistas gay", want to know his sexual orientation.

This is actually quite frustrating to me as a blogger and political activist.  Those who read  The Indictment of Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA by Justice and History (Updated with Additional Information and Counts) will see there is no discussion at all of MAMZ's sexuality at all in the Indictment, which serves as a quickly readable and copiously documented biographical outline of the life and lies of Markos Moulitsas.   
Indictment Count (6) says, quite factually and with no sexual speculation or supposition whatever:
6). Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (MAMZ) is not a "liberal" and he is not a "progressive." In an essay submitted to the Northern Illinois University campus newspaper, the Northern Star, MAMZ strenuously opposed ALL service by gays in the US military, a position more extremely Republican and discriminatory than that taken by many other military members and conservatives. Northern Star

My overall intention was to demonstrate that MAMZ, as a longtime Republican activist, member of the Salvadoran oligarchy, and homophobe (Read the Indictment if you haven't already), had no right or reason to claim the mantle of leader of the American Left.  In fact, his claim to that mantle would be laughable if the societal effects of infiltration of the Left were not so serious.  (See, for example, Department of Defense  "Directive-Type Memorandum DTM-09-026, February 25, 2010." (PDF) or see the "rapid visualization" file of the same document.

How could someone like MAMZ, who acknowledges that he voted for George H. W. Bush in 1992, and against President Clinton, nonetheless be taking to the pages of the Washington Post to claim that he had more leftist bona fides than Hillary Clinton did?  Hillary Too Much of a Clinton Democrat?  At least Hillary presumably voted for her husband in 1992 instead of voting for the Republican candidate.

Although the arguments he made were not utterly ridiculous, they would have been seen as ridiculous and inherently suspect coming from MAMZ in 2006, had the public known and MAMZ acknowledged that he had e.g. voted against Bill Clinton and for the Republican presidential candidate in 1992.  Instead, in the absence of this crucial biographical information about MAMZ, MAMZ used this article to raise his stature and name-recognition nationally as a rigorous leftist who only coincidentally had been trained for the role by the CIA.  MAMZ opposed the Clintons in 1992 (Bill) and then he opposed them again in 2006 (Hillary).  That opposition to the Clintons has been entirely consistent, except that first it came from the extreme right and now it pretends, CIA-style, to come from the extreme Left.

When Kos was confronted with the facts of his extreme right-wing Republican and particularly his homophobic past, MAMZ dismissed the truth about his past that I researched and published, saying,
I have made no effort to hide my "idiotic" youthful indiscretions.
Very much to my own dismay, the public has seized upon MAMZ's indiscretions with respect to his sexuality, rather than upon those aspects of his past that disqualify him, except as a leader of Republicans and CIA moles.  If there was any single message I would have had readers learn from The Indictment of Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA by Justice and History (Updated with Additional Information and Counts) it was that MAMZ admittedly spent two years training to be a "secret agent" for CIA "clandestine services."  It was my expectation that once that fact became generally known, no "leftist" or "liberal" or "progressive" could feel anything other than disgust." 

MAMZ could argue that perhaps a third of the shocking counts in The Indictment of Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA consist of information that he has quietly published himself.  But there are other facts about which MAMZ clearly lied.   

He said he spent six months at the CIA, but the time line he provides on the same occasions adds up to two (2) years, during which he started "his?" DailyKos blog.  

He said, "I was an immigrant to the United States," but we now know that he was born in Chicago and was never an immigrant.  

He said he came from a family that was not rich or well-known, but we now know that his family owns a hotel conglomerate that received five million dollars of international investments just before MAMZ said he was poor, and a close relative owns salt-mining operation that delivers salt to five continents and received a one million dollar loan guarantee from the Overseas Private Investment Council (OPIC).  

Moreover, a prominent member of his family is a listed on a website as a key public figure with ANEP, a group that the CIA describes as a right-wing "pressure group" involved in the notorious and despicable assassination of El Salvador's Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero.

And yet, Count (6) of the Indictment has taken on a life of its own, causing the public to doubt MAMZ's sexuality more than the public queries his ties to the CIA.  Maybe sexuality is just more "sexy" and inherently interesting than the fact that one CIA-trained blogger was at CIA offices in Washington between 2001 and 2003, while he started his DailyKos blog in 2002, and while he was being trained for "clandestine services" by the CIA.  The unproved "Moulitsas is gay" rumor, unlike his participation in the CIA, seems to catch the imagination and curiosity of people from all over the country, foreign countries and both major political parties.

With all of this "chatter" on the Internet, is it possible that a hypothetically gay Markos Moulitsas could hide that any longer than John Edwards hid his sex-play with Rielle Hunter?

At this point, the MAMZ drama can go in any direction, particularly since MAMZ seems compelled to draw histrionic attention to himself and his political predilections.  Perhaps the focus on his sexuality was and is inevitable.  In his opinion letter, he sounded more like a childish gay-basher who secretly reads Playgirl, (but only to read the articles and not to look at photographs of naked men).  Maybe the public remains interested in MAMZ's sexuality because it is the only aspect of his presentation of his background that has not, yet, been proven to be totally false or intentionally misleading.

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1 comment:

  1. google auto complete asks very interesting questions about markos moulitsas:
