(and Even CIA-Inspired DailyWhitosphere)
Light Up
With News of Markos Moulitsas' (MAMZ) CIA History
I pay close attention to this site's Site Meter in order to confirm this fact:
The more Democratic activists and progressives know about Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ), the more they see him as a dishonest two-year CIA-trained agent or asset, infiltrating and manipulating the Democratic Party and particularly the anti-war left and progressives.
About two or three dozen readers came to this blog when a link was posted in this story at SomethingAwful.Com, pointing out MAMZ's connection to the CIA. This shows that individuals in the blogosphere need not argue about Kos to discredit him. All they need to do is post a link to the Truth About Kos and that settles the issue definitively in conversations at blogs all over the United States and elsewhere.
(And you can pretty well assume that anyone who defends and/or collaborates with MAMZ--even after learning of MAMZ history and his habit of blatantly lying about himself and his Salvadoran oligarchy family--must themselves be an agent, an asset or an anus.)
So, I was pleased to note that an article at FireDogLake, entitled "," puts MAMZ's criticism of Congressman Kucinich in the context of progressive criticism of MAMZ for the two years he spent training at the CIA, between 2001 and 2003. (See probative links in right sidebar.)
In the comments, the article writer says,
Following is the full text of Markos Moulitsas Zuniga’s statement at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in 2006 and his curious statements about the CIA:
QUESTION: Not long ago, liberals loathed the Central Intelligence Agency as the enemy of democratic governments and they installed dictators around the world, and these days you read the papers and people on the Left are rallying to the defense of the CIA and are indignant when the CIA is politicized. How did this come about, that suddenly liberals are championing the CIA:
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’S ANSWER: I don’t know. You know I.
QUESTION: Do you find it stranger or ironic, this sudden love for the CIA?
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’S ANSWER: You know . . . coughs . . . I think a lot of the people that did have problems with the CIA, I mean it was a very vocal minority.
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA’S ANSWER: You know . . . coughs . . . I think a lot of the people that did have problems with the CIA, I mean it was a very vocal minority. I think most people really didn’t think about it all that much. Right? It wasn’t really on their radar screens, ah, in the way that now it is, because now we are in this huge war, and it was the CIA that was warning the Administration against invading because, there were no weapons of mass destruction.
Here’s a little secret I don’t think I’ve ever written about: But in 2001, I was unemployed, underemployed, unemployed. You know I was in that . . You all have been there “dot com” people? Kinda like, in between jobs, doin’ a little contract work and . . . kinda. So, you know. That’s where I was: in this really horrible netherworld of ‘will I make rent next month’ and . . .
So, I applied to the CIA and I went all the way to the end, I mean it was to the point where I was going to sign papers to become Clandestine Services. And it was at that point that the Howard Dean campaign took off and I had to make a decision whether I was gonna kinda join the Howard Dean campaign, that whole process, or was I was going to become a spy. (Laughter in the audience.) It was going to be a tough decision at first, but then the CIA insisted that if, if I joined that, they’d want me to do the first duty assignment in Washington, DC, and I hate Washington, DC. Six years in Washington, DC [inaudible] that makes the decision a lot easier.
[ . . .] This is a very liberal institution. And in a lot of ways, it really does attract people who want to make a better, you know, want to make the world a better place . . . Of course, they’ve got their Dirty Ops and this and that, right but as an institution itself the CIA is really interested in stable world. That’s what they’re interested in. And stable worlds aren’t created by destabilizing regimes and creating wars. Their done so by other means. Assassination labor leaders . . . I’m kidding!
[ . . . ] I don’t think it’s a very partisan thing to want a stable world. And even if you’re protecting American interests, I mean that can get ugly at times, but generally speaking I think their hearts in the right place. As an organization their heart is in the right place. I’ve never had any problem with the CIA. I’d have no problem working for them .
Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA at the Commonwealth Club.
Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, the millionaire behind DailyKos, grew up as as a self-professed Reagan youth, signed up to work for the CIA but claimed he didn’t want to work for them because it involved moving to Washington, D.C. to work for the Dean campaign:One need only look to the 2008 Democratic National Convention's all-white state-blog system, based on Daily Kos' all-white state blog system (see Washington Post article), to see that MAMZ's behavior is inimical to promoting a united Democratic Party. Rather than support the parties constituencies, including women (look what he said about Hillary Clinton as she took on a field of white men), MAMZ tries to alienate key constituencies that participate in the blog world and the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton: Too Much of a Clinton Democrat? (By Markos Moulitsas, Washington Post Op Ed Article, Sunday, May 7, 2006.) Clearly, MAMZ was unconcerned about attacking the only sure candidate at the time who was not a white man.Here’s a little secret I don’t think I’ve ever written about: But in 2001, I was unemployed, underemployed, unemployed. You know I was in that . . You all have been there “dot com” people? Kinda like, in between jobs, doin’ a little contract work and . . . kinda. So, you know. That’s where I was: in this really horrible netherworld of ‘will I make rent next month’ and . . .A You Tube video clip of Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (AKA "Kos") making these remarks and praising the CIA (the CIA’s a "very liberal institution" and "wants to make the world a better place") to California’s Commonwealth Club in June, 2006, is available here.
So, I applied to the CIA and I went all the way to the end, I mean it was to the point where I was going to sign papers to become Clandestine Services. And it was at that point that the Howard Dean campaign took off and I had to make a decision whether I was gonna kinda join the Howard Dean campaign, that whole process, or was I was going to become a spy.
Maybe someone should ask Kos the question that Jane Hamsher put to Lonny Davis: who pays you?
In fact, the tone of his op-ed piece trying to posit Hillary Clinton as the antithesis and anti-Christ of the "netroots" reminds me of the tone of the opinion article MAMZ published in his college newspaper thirteen years earlier, opposing ALL gay service in the US military and ridiculing President Bill Clinton for even raising the issue.
MAMZ has admitted, in his words, that he was "idiotic" for many years, including when he voted for George H. W. Bush in 1992. He hasn't said whether his "idiotic" years include the two years when he was in training to be a CIA Agent--a fact which he has acknowledged.
In 2007/2008, MAMZ tried almost successfully to turn the Democratic Party's accredited Convention floor blogging corps into a copy of his whitosphere apartheid virtually all-white state blog list, which you can see at his DailyWhitosphere blog.
When we Black bloggers took the issue to the national press, the Washington Post quoted me, saying,
"There is nothing 'Democratic' about an all-white Democratic National Convention floor blogging corps," he wrote in an e-mail. Holland is also asking for the inclusion of 15 Latino-operated blogs.(In fact, the last time I looked at the DailyKos blog list, I noticed that one the two Black blogs mentioned among a hundred or so was the blog of a Black man who passed away years ago.
Thanks a lot, MAMZ! You may as well invite Malcolm X (but not Spike Lee) to blog at DailyKos while you're at it, so deep is your commitment to blog apartheid. If my late mother saw you parading your commitment to Blacks by putting dead Blacks on your blogroll, she'd surely say, "That's mighty white of you!"
The other Black person on the DailyWhitosphere bloglist (among a hundred blogs or so) was the blog of a Black woman who sits with Kos on the Board of YearlyWhitosphere (AKA Netroots Nation), which leaves me wondering WHATEVER to think and whom to believe and whom to trust?
StuartBramhall's Blog asks, "Who pays for the Daily Kos? Follow the money."
Over in the comments at RawStory, and linking to this blog:
Well this has been what whitosphere bloggers used to call a "rant," before ranting became an illicit behavior at whitosphere blogs. The difference between my rants and some of theirs is that mine are filled with links that prove and let readers judge the facts about which I am ranting.
Good blog It’s very informative indeed. do you need more articles site to submit articles for shear your story more peoples so i have suggestion for you write your articles & story www.addmyarticles.com for learn your article more peoples so good luck nice job keep it up!
ReplyDeletearticle directory submission
Thanks for exposing the DailyKos.
ReplyDeleteI love sites like this. People lose their shit and decide it's time to take down the great satan. They turn into Glenn Beck without the paycheck and scream "CONSPIRACY" in every post.
ReplyDeleteIt would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
Mike S
Mike, we know that one of the strategies of the MAMZ minions in defending him is to write comments that offer no facts about the issue at hand, and then attack and ridicule those who DO offer incontrovertible facts.
ReplyDeleteDave, if you can prove that MAMZ was not working at the CIA when he started DailyKos, even though MAMZ himself says that he was, then I would like to see your proof. What I really would like would be for MAMZ to clarify what he learned at the CIA during those two years there, between 2001 and 2003, and how he uses what he learned in his intended role as spokesman for the Left.
You can say whatever you want at this blog, Mike S., but I think readers would be more interested if you could present some facts relevant to the discussion at hand.
This isn't DailyKos, where documented facts are ridiculed rather than seriously considered.
Again, I don't ban anyone from participation at this blog. I trust the readers to read the articles and comments and to see who offers more useful links and concrete information.
You can ridicule me and other readers as much as you like, but I think that if you look at the sidebar, you will see that most real progressive blogs have become convinced that MAMZ was trained by and worked for the CIA and that he is suspect per se, particulary in light of all of the other bizarre, angering, but thoroughly documented background facts about MAMZ that you can read in the sidebar.
I'm referring, for example, to MAMZ article for his student newspaper in which he opposed ALL gay participation in the military. When this blog exposed that letter, many people lost respect for MAMZ and began to wonder about MAMZ own sexuality. There are over 350,000 articles cited at Google that address the terms "Moulitsas" and "gay."
Say whatever you want to say, but please address the FACTS that the diary exposes.
LibHom, thanks for visiting the Truth About Kos blog. If you want to help more people learn the truth about Kos, you can post a link to this at your blog. It's the many blogs that have done so that make the facts about MAMZ impossible to ignore (except in the cases of the MAMZ minions and the mainstream media).