This PeopleFinders.Com looks like a source of some information that we don't have yet, but it costs $39.00 to view it. It shows some likely family members, their ages and addresses. The year of birth town and cities of residence match.
Can the CIA-trained Markos Moulitsas get the information scrubbed before his supporter, detractors and the press have a chance to review it? That depends upon how fast readers act, and post their revelations.
Interestingly, the information here connects Moulitsas to the Woodlands Texas (Bush, Halliburton Country) location that we researched and reported about in earlier stories. From
The Indictment of Markos C.A. Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA by Justice and History (Updated with Additional Information and Counts):
16). Baja Salt distributes table salt and industrial salt in the United States, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, Central and South America, and maintains offices in Odessa, Texas, where President George W. Bush was born. This Odessa, Texas office shares a telephone number, fax number and physical address with a peculiar equipment rental and petroleum industry business, Light Tower Rentals, Ltd, listed along with Halliburton Energy Services Group in the Texas organization records of USA Oilfield. These activities associated with Carlos Alberto Delgado Zúñiga's Baja Salt Group have not been sufficiently explained. The Secret "Family Business" of Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga (DailyKos)Name: MOULITSAS, MARKOS ALBERTO

See here for full image of the above.
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