Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Now Public" Liberal Blog Bought by Billionaire Republican Party Donor

I posted the following article at the "Now Public" site in 2009, as soon as I learned that the blog had been purchased by a right-wing Republican.  Many of us express surprise and outrage when we are shut down at these right-wing-owned sites, even though censoring our facts and opinions is the most natural thing for sites like DailyKos' and Now Public's right wing owners to do, given their right-wing political goals.  Apparently, it is important to Republicans that they own and control the large blogs where we Leftists would like to express our opinions and share facts.

If Hitler didn't let the Jews publish at Third Reich's newspapers, then why would we expect people like Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) and Phillip Anschutz of Now Public to let us express our opinions at their blogs?  Our political goals and interests are antithetical to theirs.  Meanwhile, there are far more leftists at our collective Blogspot and Wordpress blogs than at those faux leftist and once-liberal rightosphere blogs. 

We just need to keep doing what we're doing independently, while informing the public not to be confused about which blogs are truly leftist-owned-and-operated, and which are undercover right-wing propaganda organs.

Within a day or two after my publication of the following article at Now Public, my posting privileges were put "Under Review" and withdrawn, and have remained so since September, 2009.  No surprise.  I knew Phillip Anschutz was not going to let me publicly defrock him more than once at his own blog.

The problem is much larger than who owns the blogs.  The problem is who owns the means of production and the aggregated wealth in a capitalist society.
Billionaire Republican Campaign Donor Buys "Now Public" Site
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by francislholland | September 1, 2009 at 10:04 pm
331 views | 8 Recommendations | 5 comments
Subsequently posted at the Francis L. Holland Blog.

Phillip Anschutz, the new owner of Now Public, has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Republicans and Republican causes, including $3,000 to Senator John McCain and the Colorado Republican Party, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).    
The world's 89th wealthiest billionaire, according to Forbes, has been a consistent giver to Republican candidates and causes since at least 1999.  The FEC Contributions to Political Committees report says that Phillip Anschutz of Denver, Colorado gave:
The DailyKos blog is owned by Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga ("Kos), who says he started DailyKos during a two year training period with the CIA, after he worked for the election of Republican Congressman Henry Hyde, chief prosecutor in the House for Bill Clinton's impeachment.

Now, Now Public is owned by multi-billionaire Phillip Anschutz, who has been a consistent supporter and substantial contributor to Republican candidates and causes.

The FEC also lists the following contributions:

12/30/1999 621.00 20036134782    MICHIGAN REPUBLICAN PARTY
12/30/1999 513.00 20036190432    NEW JERSEY REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE
12/30/1999 657.00 20036161321    REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FLORIDA
12/30/1999 711.00 21037034107    REPUBLICAN PARTY OF KENTUCKY
12/30/1999 225.00 20036192419    REPUBLICAN PARTY OF VIRGINIA INC
12/30/1999 369.00 20036254141    WASHINGTON STATE REPUBLICAN PARTY
12/30/1999 315.00 20036351456

Recipient Total:    5580.00

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