Friday, February 11, 2011

Markos Moulitsas 1993 Letter to Editor Opposing ALL Gay Military Service is Missing, Again

Many of us have read the 1993 letter that Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga posted in his college newspaper, opposing ALL gay service in the military.   We have also noticed that the URL for the article has changed five times or more since it was first reprinted here at Truth About Kos. These changes in the URL make it more difficult for members of the public to read what MAMZ said when he was a college newspaper writer.  These changed URL's breaks our links to the article and lead to an "Unsupported Media"  notice at the Northern University's Northern Star student newspaper.

Ironically, the article in which a woman student and former servicewoman challenges MAMZs "bad attitude" can still be found at the same URL as before.

Is someone at the Northern Start student newspaper, or even someone substantially more powerful, constantly changing the address of MAMZ's anti-gay article so that the public will not be able to read it?  If so, it remains available in a screenshot at Truth About Kos, as well as in dozens of other blogs that couldn't help but highlight the duplicity of MAMZ's homophobia versus his facile and relatively new endeavor to seem "progressive".  Compare his 1993 letter to the editor with what has come after it, and see which reflects the REAL MAMZ, if any of his writings really do.

Go to the newspaper's archives and search for Moulitsas and you may still be able to read his embarrassing articles, including the on in which  MAMZ Denies Being Latino in Spite of "ZÚÑIGA" Maternal Surname.

A blog called "Links to MAMZ's College Newspaper Articles" once had functioning links to all of MAMZ college articles, but now includes only the names, summaries and broken links, because, for some reason, the URL's of these articles change over and over again.  Is it possible that someone is assisting MAMZ in making it more difficult to read these articles, some of which are frankly embarrassing?

Links to MAMZ's College Newspaper Articles, with helpful annotations.

You may find that, once again, the links to his articles don't work and you have to search for the articles at the Northern Star by searching for the target word, "Moulitsas."

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