As the Washington Post reports:
Massa's decline from first-term Democratic congressman to former lawmaker embroiled in an alleged sex scandal occurred in just 14 months. Democrats had celebrated his arrival after he seized a Republican-held seat, but that ended shortly after House ethics investigators began pressing his employees to explain what exact terms he used with them and the specific circumstances in which he touched them. WaPost
MAMZ and his supporters have often expressed the belief that being an military veteran (like Massa and MAMZ) inoculates candidates against charges of lack of patriotism, lack of military "strength" and lack of manliness. Massa is a twenty-year veteran of the US Navy.
So, MAMZ and many participants at his DailyKos blog rallied to strongly support and contribute financially to the now completely discredited ex-Rep. Eric Massa. They were so convinced by Massa's portfolio that MAMZ and DailyKos participants bundled money for Massa in both his unsuccessful 2006 campaign and again in 2008, according to MAMZ himself:
. . . it made sense to pool our communities in order to maximize what we could raise for individual candidates.
And on that front, we were effective. In 2006, we raised $1.54 million for 18 candidates . . . Several others came so close, that they're back this year to finish the job, such as Darcy Burner, Eric Massa, Gary Trauner and Dan Seals. Introducing the Orange To Blue list bykos, Wed Jun 11, 2008 at 01:00:19 PM PDT
MAMZ's support for Massa through two election cycles warns us
(1) against MAMZ's political judgment because even his winning candidates can turn out to be sour disappointments and unimaginably embarrassing, and
(2) his part in this episode tells us something crucially important about MAMZ's relationship to his own sexuality.
Ironically, MAMZ once wrote that, in general, soldiers like homosex-addict Massa were precisely the kind of soldiers that MAMZ himself was desperately afraid of when MAMZ was in the US Army, "serving courageously" in Germany during the first Gulf War.
As a veteran, MAMZ wrote:
Worrying about whether the known homosexual sleeping next to you is watching as you change your underwear may seem trivial as you read this, but to the soldier who's short-tempered after three weeks in the field and four hours of daily sleep, it becomes a matter of great importance to his pride and sensibilities. Truth About Kos cites letter from Northern Illinois University "Northern Star" archives.
For some reason, supporting the sexually abusive Massa never aroused MAMZ's "sensibilities" in 2006 through 2008. (I don't care if MAMZ is gay, except to the extent that the above letter shows him to be a homosexual homophobic hypocrite who fights gay rights as a political posture while sharing gay's sexual preference in the private sanctum of his own closet. MAMZ invites doubts about his sexuality, even by signing his letter to the editor, "Marcos C. A. Moulitsas: Undecided Freshman."
In spite of being married, as is MAMZ, and in spite of having a long 20-year military career--Massa turns out to be just the type of sex-crazed homosexual who MAMZ says he so feared. Although some comments say that MAMZ can't be gay, in spite of the indications to the contrary in his letter, the Massa case reminds us that even married men can be gay.
Was Eric Massa an unacknowledged homosex-addict during his twenty years in the US Navy? I don't know the answer to that question, although I suspect readers will have stiff opinions on the subject. Even during his Navy service, the New York Daily News reports that:
former shipmates emerged last week with stories that Massa tried to grope, "snorkel" and ogle those of lesser rank.
The NY DailyNews even reports that the Massa case is undercutting the move toward freely gay service in the military. Yet, the Massa implosion is no more an argument against gays in the military than the rapes of women in the military is an argument for an all-female military. It's true that an all-female military would reduce heterosexual rapes and remarks, but the disadvantages of such a proposition are obviously too high--and too broadly discriminatory--for the proposition to be seriously considered.
MAMZ opposed gays in the military and then supported a gay Congressional candidate who was known to make inappropriate sexual advances. Once again, I don't think CIA-trained MAMZ is the right man to choose the candidates of the Democratic Party.
Great readd thanks