Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This Article Lists All Markos Moulitsas'
Archived College Newpaper Articles

[UPDATE December 6, 2010:]  Northern Illinois University (NIU), where MAMZ received his bachelor's degree, has changed the links to their "Northern Star" student newspaper archives approximately four times since I first began reporting on and linking to the articles that MAMZ wrote and published at the student news paper, when he was a student and student newspaper writer at NIU.

The articles below are still in the archives of the Northern Star, but, once again, the links don't work.  You have to search in the archives for the name Moulitsas in order to find the articles he wrote, in which he said he was white, not Latino, and in which he opposed ALL gay service in the US Military.

In addition, a new system of comments at the"Northern Star" shows zero comments on old articles, including the once in which MAMZ denounced gays' participation in the military.  But we need only look further down on this blog page to see that there was an angry response to MAMZ's homophobic publication just a week after MAMZ letter was published there.  However, you would never know that if you relied on the  newspapers new "comments" log that only shows comments for articles posted after this new electronic "feature" was added.  Effectively, the newpaper's "comments" numbers lead readers to the mistaken conclusion that no opposing articles were written on the same topic afterward. 

Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) has claimed to those who interview him that he was a leader of Latino students during his days at Northern Illinois University (NIU).  If this is so, then why is it that we can look at every single article written by or about MAMZ during his four-year tenure at NIU and we cannot find a single article about Moulitsas' participation in, for, with or at a Latino event, meeting, or article?

There simply is not a single article in the archives of NIU to support Moulitsas' claims that he led Latino students or any other students, except his letter to the student newspaper representing all those who oppose ALL gay participation in the US Military.

For some reason, the link list is published in reverse chronological order. Below you will immediately see MAMZ's 1993 against ALL gays in the military and then and angry public letter to him, rejecting his arguments and his opinions.

Also be sure to read the Article entitled,  "Escape will only breed ignorance."  (The link doesn't work AGAIN!)  But, it's clear when you read the article in which MAMZ says he can escape from color-aroused antagonism, because he is not a member of a skin color group, minority, or religious persuasion that would suffer discrimination and taunts.

True, his mother was from El Salvador but, since he looks "white", he fits right in and can disclaim any identity (like Latinohood) that would cause him annoyance and discomfort.  It is obvious that MAMZ did not provide the title for this article.  The title was an editorial response to the article's contents.  First, though, read Moulitsas' article opposing ALL gays in the US military, and laughably describing Sam Nunn as a "liberal Democrat".


Military right

Publish Date: 1993/01/25

By MARKOS C.A. MOULITSAS Undecided Freshman
It’s truly disturbing how much ado has been made over Bill Clinton’s campaign promise to lift the ban on homosexuals from the U.S. military. It’s ironic how it has taken a president who has never served in the military to make a promise that affects the military in such a negative manner.

Those who have served in the military, such as myself, understand the demands and pressures of military life are incompatible with allowing integration with homosexuals. I’m neither socially conservative or prejudiced, and neither is liberal columnist Mike Royko, Gen. Colin Powell, and influential liberal Democrats Sam Nunn and Les Aspin, all who’ve come out against lifting the ban.

Under military circumstances, as much has to be done as possible to focus the unit’s mission and keep disciplinary problems to a minimum. Worrying about whether the known homosexual sleeping next to you is watching as you change your underwear may seem trivial as you read this, but to the soldier who’s short-tempered after three weeks in the field and four hours of daily sleep, it becomes a matter of great importance to his pride and sensibilities.

And in any case, there aren’t many people who would change clothes in a group of co-workers if members of the opposite sex were in the same room watching. There is something inherently uncomfortable about it. Such fears would go a long way in disrupting efficiency and morale in a unit.

MARKOS C.A. MOULITSAS Undecided Freshman

Eleven days after (MAMZ's) publication of that article, Cheryl Anndel, a Business Senior, angrily wrote in response:

Bad attitude

Publish Date:1993/2/5
By CHERYL ANNDEL Business Senior
I’d like to address this letter to Marcos C. Moulitsas.

First, do not assume that former military service people share your views. Rest assured that this one does not. I resent the fact that you assume that just because I’m prior service, I share your opinion.

Second, if a military unit is inefficient and morale is down, that is the entire unit’s fault and not just one soldier’s fault. As military personnel, we are trained to accomplish a mission. If you cannot accomplish that mission because you’re worried about who’s watching you while you change your underwear, it sounds like you don’t have the right mental attitude.

CHERYL ANNDEL Business Senior


Northern Star announces new spring semester staff

Published 1993-12-02 BY Jean Volz Much like the changing of the guards in England¸ The Northern Star will be altering its staff for the spring semester. Brian Slupski¸ senior history major¸ will be taking the reins as the Star’s new editor-in-chief in the coming ...

SA’s boycott displeases faculty members

Published 1993-12-01 BY Mark Moulitsas Some faculty members have expressed displeasure at the Student Association’s methods of pushing for faculty members to release their teacher evaluations. Robert Suchner¸ associate professor of sociology¸ said the SA showed a complete l...

APC questions public health admission policy

Published 1993-11-30 BY Markos Moulitsas Questions concerning the open admission policy of the bachelor of science in public health arose during the Academic Planning Council’s review of the program. The B.S. in community health and the master’s degree in public health were reviewed by t...

Council discusses deadline changes

Published 1993-11-18 BY Markos Moulitsas The composition of student representatives on the University Council was debated at Wednesday’s UC meeting. There has been concern by the UC over the student delegation’s inability to fill all of its allotted slots. Although all student seats curr...

UC student seats filled, yet problems with system remain

Published 1993-11-16 BY Markos Moulitsas Although many people agree the student delegation to the University Council is running much smoother than in years past¸ several problems still are being looked at. UC Executive Secretary Curtiss Behrens said one of the perennial problems wi...

FS rips university health care system

Published 1993-11-11 BY Markos Moulitsas The Faculty Senate on Wednesday attacked the university employee health care system and reacted angrily to the rejection of a motion in the University Council that would have given faculty more power in that body. The FS discussed a petition signe...

Original decision upheld

Published 1993-11-09 BY Markos Moulitsas Concerns expressed by faculty members and students over a decision by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to allow a professor to begin teaching her originally assigned classes more than halfway through the semester have fallen on deaf ears. ...

Presenters explain duties, background

Published 1993-11-04 BY Matt Gilbert and Markos Moulitsas Questions have arisen over the fairness of the judicial hearing process for students¸ as outlined in the Student Judicial Code. Students charged with violating the code must present their case before a board or hearing officer. In order to b...

Fairness of judicial hearings questioned

Published 1993-11-04 BY Matt Gilbert and Markos Moulitsas The hearing procedures of the Student Judicial Code have been criticized because students are represented by student advocates while NIU is represented by professionals. “I think we really need to take a look at the (judicial) code book¸” Co...

College of Business will ease GPA requirements

Published 1993-11-02 BY Markos Moulitsas NIU’s College of Business will lower its entrance requirements next semester in order to fight declining enrollment at the college. Starting next spring semester¸ acceptance to the College of Business will require a GPA of 2.5 for NIU studen...

Report deems NIU judicial code unfair

Published 1993-11-01 BY MARKOS MOULITSAS Although a student can be punished by the university for lying to a university official¸ there is no written code that prohibits a faculty member or administrator from lying to a student. NIU has a student judicial code setting standards of ...

Committee reverses position

Published 1993-10-28 BY Markos Moulitsas Despite a painful¸ drawn-out process¸ the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences reluctantly approved the elimination of the M.A. program in journalism. The LA&S College Curriculum Committee reversed its earlier inaction on the issue and...

Norris agrees to stay on as LA&S head

Published 1993-10-26 BY Markos Moulitsas James Norris¸ dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences¸ has agreed to a one-year extension to his term as dean. Norris’ fourth term as dean was supposed to end at the close of the 1993-94 school year¸ but Norris said he r...

UP&A meets to discuss dance security problems

Published 1993-10-22 BY Markos Moulitsas University Programs and Activities held a meeting Thursday to discuss solutions to problems leading to several outbreaks of violence during Saturday’s Homecoming dance at the Chick Evans Field House. Although weak security was blamed for the viole...

APC readies health-related programs for review

Published 1993-10-19 BY Markos Moulitsas The Academic Planning Council analyzed several of NIU’s health-related progams and a graduate program in biology Monday. The APC conducted a general overview of programs that served as “introduction and background into putting the reviews under co...

Column retort

Published 1993-10-14 BY What¸ Markos Moulitsas¸ was your actual intention in writing your “Religion-It’s Just Not For Me” article? If it was merely an attempt at voicing your honest opinion¸ I would like to retort. First¸ I’ll say that I completel...

Band outraged at CAB cancellation

Published 1993-10-14 BY MARKOS MOULITSAS The Campus Activities Board’s decision to cancel a potentially controversial band has sparked the outrage of the band involved. The band¸ P. Nice Joplin¸ was supposed to play Wednesday at noon at the MLK Commons as part of CAB’s Homeco...

Council defeats proposal by near unanimous vote

Published 1993-10-14 BY Lesley Rogers and Markos Moulitsas The University Council debated suggestions to replace a motion that would enable amendments to the University Constitution and Bylaws be approved by a two-thirds vote of present representatives. The move would have enabled faculty to expand their ...

On the paper ...

Published 1993-10-10 BY “I think that The Northern Star is doing a great job¸ from cover page to sports page. This is much better than last year and much better than two years ago. Lyons and Barrington I love your work. Luckily Krol is gone¸ but where in the wor...

NIU’s Homecoming wins outdo Homecoming losses

Published 1993-10-10 BY Markos Moulitsas Since the 1903 Homecoming game NIU has compiled a 50-25-10 record (if you count those early games against NIU alumni¸ which kind of seems like a scam). At Huskie stadium the record for Homecoming games currently lies at 6-10-2. Following are...

Poll indicates respondents oppose multicultural class

Published 1993-10-10 BY Markos Moulitsas Respondents voted by a margin of three-to-one against the creation of a mandatory multicultural class¸ according to the results of an unscientific poll conducted by The Northern Star last week. The poll asked¸ “Are you in favor of the ...

On Weekender ...

Published 1993-10-07 BY “Why should we tip delivery men when we have to pay a delivery charge.” “I been watching the shows and I am sick and tired of these white right-wing feminists and blacks feeling that the white man owes them something. And it wasn’t me who put them...

FS forces search expansion

Published 1993-10-07 BY Markos Moulitsas NIU President John La Tourette faced strong faculty opposition and was forced to change his position at Wednesday’s Faculty Senate meeting when he announced his decision on whether to have an internal or external search to fill two vice presidential ...

LA&S discourages requirements

Published 1993-10-04 BY Markos Moulitsas In an effort to facilitate students’ desires to study in their chosen fields¸ the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is encouraging its departments to drop limited admissions requirements. “The departments need to look carefully at their l...

Committee delays elimination

Published 1993-10-01 BY Markos Moulitsas The proposal to eliminate the master’s degree in journalism apparently has been stalled by the College of Liberal Arts and Science’s College Curriculum Committee. Instead of voting to approve the recommendation¸ the committee first took no a...

Committee dumps proposal

Published 1993-09-30 BY Markos Moulitsas A motion to eliminate the M.A. in journalism as recommended by the Illinois Board of Higher Education failed at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences College Curriculum Committee meeting Wednesday. Committee member Robert Self¸ an English...

Cuts concern NIU colleges

Published 1993-09-29 BY Markos Moulitsas Echoing concerns by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that it is not receiving its fair share of university resources¸ the College of Business says it is facing the same problems. David Graf¸ acting dean of the College of Busine...

LA&S enrollment, budget diverge

Published 1993-09-28 BY Markos Moulitsas The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has had to face growing enrollment while simultaneously being forced to deal with a shrinking budget over the last few years. Despite a general downturn in enrollment at NIU within the last five years&cedil...

Lab animal treatment monitored

Published 1993-09-17 BY Markos Moulitsas While animal experimentation continues to be a subject of controversy¸ NIU must follow stringent guidelines to ensure the welfare of the animals the university performs tests on. Both the psychology and biology departments at NIU utilize ani...

Controversy erupts over term limits

Published 1993-09-09 BY Markos Moulitsas Controversy erupted Wednesday when the University Council attempted to remove the term limits of the ombudsman. The ombudsman serves a maximum of five years¸ the last two subject to the approval of the Ombudsman Review Search Committee&cedil...

FS disputes search plan

Published 1993-09-08 BY Markos Moulitsas Despite the Faculty Senate vote to have a national search to fill the positions of provost and vice president for alumni affairs¸ NIU President John La Tourette still is not sure if one is necessary. La Tourette said he is waiting two weeks ...

Student opinion: Escape will only breed ignorance

Published 1993-09-02 BY Markos Moulitsas Today the Star ran the last of my four-part series on racism at NIU. Having been a project that dominated my life for the last couple of weeks¸ I was more than glad to have it finished and over with so I could return to the mundane world of Fac...

(Last--and most embarrassing--of a series of five articles on "race." This article was not commissioned by the student newspaper but was written by MAMZ sua sponte (on his own inclination) as a reflection on the experience of writing the four articles commissioned by the newspaper. In this article, MAMZ says that he is not a minority who would be oppressed e.g. a Latinos or Hispanic, but he is instead simply a white man who can and intends to ignore the oppression of minorities. He adds that he feels pity for minorities because "they" will never know what a relief it is to be a white man in America. He calls all minorities (including Latinos) "they".

Adding insult to injury, in the article linked above he says he thinks the time spent researching "racism" on campus was a distraction and a waste of his time. He says
Today the Star ran the last of my four-part series on racism at NIU. Having been a project that dominated my life for the last couple of weeks, I was more than glad to have it finished and over with so I could return to the mundane world of Faculty Senate meetings and other reporter stuff.

What an incredibly insensitive thing to print and publish in the pages of a newspaper! I wonder how the Blacks, Latinos and Jews who opened their hearts to MAMZ during the interviews for the previous for articles felt when MAMZ wrote the fifth article, in which he said that the whole endeavor had been a waste of his time Even if that's how he feels, as a white man, does he REALLY need to follow a series of interviews and articles with a letter saying the whole endeavor was a waste of time? Why didn't he just keep that to himself, or share it with other non-minority white men who could relate to his callous attitude?

Groups exploit racism

(Fourth of a series of five articles on "race.)"

Published 1993-09-02 BY Markos Moulitsas Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a four-part series on racism at NIU. Today’s analysis looks at the activities of hate groups on campus and profiles an individual activist in the hate movement. Racial tensions at NIU serve as a lightning rod t...

Racism built upon insensitivity

(Third of a series of five articles on "race")

Published 1993-09-01 BY Markos Moulitsas Editor’s note: This is the third in a four-part series on racism at NIU. Today’s analysis looks at the African-American experience at NIU. It is essential for a college student to feel comfortable in his or her academic environment in order to be ...

NIU reflects racism’s complexity

(Second of a series of five articles on "race.")

Published 1993-08-30 BY Markos Moulitsas Editor’s note: This is the first in a four-part series on race relations at NIU. Today’s analysis deals with the complexity of a problem so much of NIU’s community is trying to solve. “Racism exists in the larger society ... (and) people on campus...

The first in a series of five article is not online (for some reason) but it was scanned and e-mailed to me by a staff member at the student newspaper. It is available elsewhere in this blog.

Students vent frustration

Published 1993-08-26 BY Markos Moulitsas In his State of the University address¸ NIU President John La Tourette said that NIU students were “just as satisfied with the education they receive here as students at other Illinois universities.” In response to the president’s remarks&ce...

Council to add new fire station

Published 1993-08-23 BY Markos Moulitsas After several years of consideration¸ a west side fire department for DeKalb finally will become reality. The go ahead for the plan was given last Monday during a workshop meeting of the DeKalb City Council¸ where the council unanimous...

French film to use Egyptian Theater

Published 1993-08-23 BY Markos Moulitsas The Egyptian Theater¸ a DeKalb landmark¸ soon will be seen in theaters worldwide thanks to the efforts of French film director Renan Polles. Polles has been commissioned by the Louvre Museum in Paris to film a documentary titled “Egypt...

Black Studies settles into new building

Published 1993-08-19 BY Markos Moulitsas The Center for Black Studies has moved into its new location. The new building is located just south of its previous location on the 700 block of West Lincoln Hwy. The old building¸ which stood on Lot 15¸ south of the Founders Memorial...

Big Brothers/Big Sisters offers friendship for all

Published 1993-07-13 BY Markos Moulitsas Students with a little time to spare and a desire to help out in the community should consider what many students have already found to be a fulfilling experience—being a big brother or big sister. The Big Brother/Big Sister program matches childr...

Professor Griff speaks on oppression of blacks

Published 1993-07-06 BY Markos Moulitsas With the words “I bring you civilized greetings in an uncivilized world¸” Professor Griff began his message on the miseducation and oppression of black youth in America. Speaking to about 50 people at the Carl Sandburg auditorium Tuesday nig...

Council reviews liquor licenses

Published 1993-06-29 BY Markos Moulitsas In a move designed to attract more restaurants and hotels into DeKalb¸ the DeKalb City Council removed any restrictions on the amount of Class E and Class F liquor licenses that can be issued Monday night. A Class E license allows alcohol to...

Program allows students to work for funds

Published 1993-06-29 BY Markos Moulitsas Students attempting to reduce their dependence on student loans will soon have another option available to them. The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) has announced a new pilot program¸ the “Alternative Student Service Education ...

City Council approves proposed fiscal budget

Published 1993-06-29 BY Markos Moulitsas The DeKalb City Council approved the city’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year at its meeting Monday night. The budget was approved unanimously by the council after discussion concerning the funding of some not-for-profit groups. The controver...

Hastert holds meetings throughout district

Published 1993-06-22 BY Markos Moulitsas U.S. Rep. Dennis Hastert¸ R-Ill¸ met with some of his concerned constituents Saturday at the Sycamore Community Center. Hastert held three town hall meetings throughout his district in order to “hear what people have to say.” He ope...

Governor Edgar announces plans to expand local airport

Published 1993-06-22 BY Markos Moulitsas Gov. Jim Edgar announced Thursday his approval of $2.1 million in funding for expanding the runway at DeKalb-Taylor Municipal Airport. The governor made the announcement at DeKalb-Taylor Municipal Airport while flanked by local elected officials&c...

It's not for sports

Published 1993-02-22 BY This is in response to Dan Collucci’s letter defending the NIU sports program and the proposed student fee to help pay for that program. It is really irrelevant how many games the football team wins or loses. There is no reason why students should pa...

Bad attitude

Published 1993-02-05 BY I’d like to address this letter to Marcos C. Moulitsas. First¸ do not assume that former military service people share your views. Rest assured that this one does not. I resent the fact that you assume that just because I’m prior service¸...

Alternative link here.

Military right

Published 1993-01-25 BY It’s truly disturbing how much ado has been made over Bill Clinton’s campaign promise to lift the ban on homosexuals from the U.S. military. It’s ironic how it has taken a president who has never served in the military to make a promise that affects ...

Alternative link here.

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The Northern Star is the all student-produced, independent media at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Ill. The Northern Star covers NIU campus news, DeKalb city and county news, NIU Huskie sports and northern Illinois entertainment.

The Northern Star is a limited public forum whose content is determined exclusively by its student editors at Northern Illinois University. NIU administration, faculty or staff in no way control information presented in its newspaper, this Web site or its Podcasts. Editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Editorial Board; columns reflect the opinion of the author, not the Northern Star.

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