It seems more likely to me that all of the training MAMZ received during his two years at the CIA is being used in this new venture to monitor, prune and ultimately disrupt the flow of leftist thought and activities. -- Truth About KosPaul Bedard, an author of the "Washington Whispers" column at US News and World Reports, is helping Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) to announce a new leftist/progressive networking platform at DailyKos. Bedard does not mention that MAMZ acknowledges that he spent two years training with the CIA simultaneously with starting DailyKos, which most of the public would consider relevant to the credibility of MAMZ's ostensibly "progressive" efforts.
In fact, no one in the mainstream media mentions the dubious origins (during CIA training) of MAMZ's supposedly "progressive" blog.
Bedard quotes MAMZ as saying,
I've got a pretty good thing going. It's a big risk for me. It's about empowering people.I find it very hard and, in fact impossible to believe that MAMZ, who was trained for two years at the CIA, is now trying to "empower" progressives. I find it hard to believe that someone who will not permit discussion of the dubious official version of 9-11 is nonetheless trying to help leftists to use their critical thinking skills. How, insist, can leftists be "empowered" by a site where their ideas are vetted and approved or disapproved by others, who may well work for the CIA indirectly?
If MAMZ is empowering leftists, doesn't that mean that the CIA wasted a lot of money training MAMZ, since leftist empowerment is antithetical to CIA goals? It seems more likely to me that all of the training MAMZ received during his two years at the CIA is being used in this new venture to monitor, prune and ultimately disrupt the flow of leftist thought and activities.
I think it's fair to say that if MAMZ's blog became the center of leftist thought then leftist thought and action would cease to exist as such.
Of course, I continue to observe that the press in the United State actively collaborates with the CIA by failing to mention CIA involvement of national figures and thereby encouraging the public to accept CIA and defense department propaganda as legitimately independent public activity and opinion. To me, writing about MAMZ without mentioning the CIA is like writing about Hitler without mentioning the Third Reich.
It's the million dollar question. Is Moulitsas some opportunist out to make a buck, or is he modern day cointelpro? I believe his comments at the Commonwealth Club were attempts to put the CIA in a good light. I think they represent how he isn't the brightest turnip in the barrel. He simply gave away too much information with the timeline based on his own words. Either he was being a fabulist like Brett Kimberlin or the Bush Administration, or he admitted to working for the CIA while running the Daily Kos. Yeah, having a CIA employee running the #1 "progressive" blog should be major news. I guess this is where tinfoil by association comes into play. Serious questions are turned into your being disgruntled with having been called a monkey and then banned. The blogospheric ptb's obviously do not like how you say Moulitsas worked for the CIA. They say you make things up. But all one need do is listen to the Moulitsas interview with the Commonwealth Club and check the dates of when he applied, how it was for 6 months, and how he went all the way to the end and had to decide whether to work for Howard Dean or become a clandestine spy. Then they will see that this whole topic transcends yourself. Either Markos lied, or he was a CIA employee while running the Daily Kos. There is no middle ground. It is one or the other.