Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dear Anonymous: The CIA Truth About Markos Moulitsas (DailyKos) Will Come Out

Cross-posted verbatim at Now Public.

Dear Anonymous:

What you're saying makes a lot of sense. The "mainstream media" won't touch Truth about Kos (TAK), except about lack of diversity in the whitosphere, which is a topic they can address. But, the press has a sometimes tacit and sometime explicit agreement with the Government not to "out" CIA agents, assets, trainees and programs until and unless they become public knowledge.. That's why you still see discussions of Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ) in the mainstream media, without them mentioning his contact with the CIA, even though he confessed in an audio interview to having been trained for two year by the CIA at the same time he was starting DailyKos.

Still, the mainstream media will not address the 24,500 hits for "Moulitsas" + "CIA" at Google. [UPDATE of 3/13/2010: There are now "approximately" 190,000 pages searchable at Google that address Moulitsas and CIA.] Normally, the press loves controversy with facts to back it up, but this in an exception with a reason.

As the US Congress outs these programs, then it will become possible for the press to talk about them, and then the Truth About Kos story might be told. The story of Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga will eventually told, and then WhitesRoots Nation will disappear as quickly as Co-Intel-Pro. Have you noticed that as the Congress begins to investigate "torture," the New York Times and Washington Post have begun to use the word "torture" and to abandon the Bush-years euphemism of "harsh treatment"?

However, MAMZ may still part of an ongoing program that the Government has perhaps no intention of stopping. In fact, without having read the details, the headlines say that President Obama is talking about a widened "cyber-security" effort. Who knows if that will include people like MAMZ or not?

Anyway, like Co-Intel-Pro, this story will eventually be told and become of common knowledge about the facts of this era. I spoke with the press about Iran-Contra a few years before it became front page news. I told them the Contras were funded by the US Government. They didn't want to touch it. I told them Israel was providing advanced helicopters to the military in Guatemala after the US Congress had forbidden that. They wouldn't publish my letters to the editor making that accusation. That eventually was widely acknowledged to be true.

The important thing is that with the Internet we can spread these stories far and wide long before the mainstream press is willing to touch them. In fact, the more we discuss them in the blogosphere, the more the media is compelled to discuss it in the mainstream media, if only because our "chatter" become major news. (Of course Government-sponsored chatter will always become major news much more quickly.)

Sometime probably paid online assets stalk those of us who tell the truth and try (mostly in vain) to discredit us or distract our audience from the facts. I would worry about them. I know I've been cyberstalked because the people who have done it have proudly admitted it. But you can leverage the attention they give you into more attention for the realities you're talking about, as you have seen in the comments at DailyKos and MyLeftWing.

One of the reasons that people have spread the news of Truth About Kos far and wide is that it's obvious to them that I'm not a Republican who would be stalking Kos. I'm coming at him from the left, and my record of leftist activism goes much further than the public advent of the Internet. It's much easier to believe that I am a leftist than it is to believe that Ronald Reagan-supporting, Henry Hyde activist, Salvadoran oligarchy, fake immigrant, two-years CIA-trained, virulently homophobic, Latino denying MAMZ could be a leftist. LOL :)

The idea that MAMZ could be a leftist is absolutely farcical, as if it were part of a script for that 1960's television series, Get Smart! In fact, MAMZ is a lot like Don Adams, when you think about it, not because he's funny but because he's laughable.

One thing I've learned about the American public, however, is that most people believe that whatever they read in a newpaper must be true, unless they are shown indubitable facts to the contrary. And the press has been telling the public that MAMZ is a "liberal" "leftist" while ignoring all of the copious facts above to the contrary. (This sort of coverage has slowed as the real facts about him have become known in great detail.) I believe the glowing storie have slowed because any "journalist" who presents MAMZ as a "leftist" now is headed for the sort of embarrassment that that female writer from the New York Times received for knowingly parroting Bush's lies about Iraq.

I encourage online journalists to ignore their stalkers, those intentionally stupid government employees, assets and agent provocateurs. Do your research and find someplace to print what you find, even if it's only at your own blog. I've learned that as much as many white people don't believe in Blacks, they can't resist the explosiveness of the Truth About Kos reality and they don't care about the skin color of the person whose research has revealed this reality.

I only get an average of 35 hits a day at Truth ABout Kos (TAK), but Kurt Nimmo gets many more hits on my information, as does The Hollywood Liberal and the at-least-six-dozen other blogs who have quoted The Truth About Kos. (See sidebar for partial list.) Sometimes people mention my name or my blog when they out MAMZ in the comments at other blogs, and sometimes they don't. Since I'm not motivated by money or even fame, I don't care as much about the hits I get at TAK; I care much more about the hits that "Moulitsas" + "CIA" get at Google, which is up to 24,500 so far, and many more if you search for Kos and CIA or DailyKos and CIA.

I continually challenge the media to discuss MAMZ and the whole TownHouse thing.

Atty. Francis L. Holland


  1. Hi Francis,

    First of all, if you want to delete the spam, all you have to do is click on the trash can at the bottom of the posts.

    Secondly, you can hold your head up high. There are only a few of us who have had the gonads to take on insidious internet fakes. Since they control the moderating at the major "progressive" domains, all newbies and fence-sitters are not getting access to the big picture. There is something referred to with propaganda as card stacking. Just remember, Sir, that we are creating the necessary pockets of awareness. Perhaps someday reporters will get off their asses and speak truth to power. Until then, all we can do is keep doing what we do.

    I have come across proof that Michael Rivero of the What Really Happened domain used to work for McDonnell Douglas, the largest military contractor at that time. He is referred to as a right woos left astroturfer. There is a segment of the blogosphere which attempts to view the left as Jew haters. They are the Palestinians' worst enemies. They hypocritically market themselves as their biggest supporters. Their origin is in right wing conspiracy theory from the Willis Carto propaganda network. Markos Moulitsas Zuniga works the same kind of angle, albeit with a softer kinder version of right woos left. Markos is a CIA loving twit. No progressive would ever call the CIA a liberal institution nor say they'd have no trouble working for them. I remember from my college days that the CIA sucked and most of us wanted the thing disbanded. Now we have the NSA and all the intelligence agencies from the various military institutions all over the net. And don't forget about NASA. They act like they are some pristine civilian agency. No way, Jose. The biggest problem in this world is the Military-Industrial Complex. The only way to save the planet is to cut the military by 80%. Here is a diary I wrote at Daily Kos promoting such an idea. Also one can see how the military has no qualms about perverting democratic principles on the net. The Daily Kos is a joke. That has become common knowledge. They will never rebound from their fall in popularity due to your efforts and others putting up the good fight. Pockets of awareness can get the job done. At least for now. There is always hope.

  2. That's the spirit! "He who hath ears, let him hear."
