Before reading anything else, read Stu Piddy's essay in which he demonstrates that Markos Moulitsas (A.K.A. "Secret Agent Man) spent six months working for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (THE CIA) in 1991.
Atheist/Agnostic Bloggers to “Come Out” at YearlyKos Conference in Chicago
The Rehabilitation of Markos Moulitsas
Vocabulary of the New Online Apartheid
Why Is DailyKos So White?, by "Chris"
The Blackosphere vs. The Whitosphere, by Field Negro
Is "Whitosphere" a Fair Descriptor for the White "Progressive" Blogosphere?
Markos Was A Republican "States' Rights" Advocate
Markos Admits He Was A Reagan Republican, by Markos Moulitsas
Reader Requests More Positivity
The 10 Unwritten Rules of Speech at DailyKos (How to Avoid Violating the 10 Unwritten Rules of the DailyKos Public Opinion Governance Board (DKPOGB))
DK, Kos and his Disloyal Democrats
Crashing the White Male Supremacy Paradigm
Ending the White Male Monopoly of the Presidency: White Insistence on Perpetuating the 43-Consecutive Terms Exclusively White Male Presidency is the Epitome of Monopolistic "Identity Politics"
Is "You're a Monkey" OK at DailyKos?
DailyKos, Hillary Clinton, and the Sexist Use of the DLC Epithet
DK vc. Hillary Clinton: The United States of Hypocrisy?
Can We Really Crash the Gates and Govern Without the Elites?
The DailyKos Hypocrisy that Gores You
Assessing the Leadership of Hillary Clinton, Kos and Sirota
Whacking the Hive: A Hillary Clinton Supporter at DailyKos
Contarians Should Stop Bashing Barack and Hillary
Is Kos a Single-Issue Bomb Thrower?
Anger at Hillary Distinguishes DailyKos Readers
DailyKos Should Apologize for Sexualized Attack on Hillary Clinton
I dare you to call sam Seder's show with these so called facts.