As Netroots Nation finishes it's annual meeting, in Providence, Rhode Island, I continue to be troubled by the fact that the founder of this meeting, Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas Zúñiga (MAMZ), is quietly from the Salvadoran oligarchy and has acknowledged ties to the US Central Intelligence Agency.
(Click on MAMZ's photo in the sidebar to the immediate right of this article. See right entire right side bar for links to statements by MAMZ himself about his CIA involvement, and to original US and Salvadoran Government documents, private industry statements and MAMZ family statements that make his true identity and family background undeniable.)
It seems obvious to me that a meeting organized by the CIA for American liberals and leftists cannot deliver whatever it is these activists hope to obtain by attending the meeting. Instead, it will deliver what CIA-trained MAMZ hoped to deliver when he started DailyKos while training to be a secret-agent at the CIA.
In response to the outing of MAMZ as a CIA-trainee, he has successfully downplayed his involvement in the Netroots Nation conference, convincing its attendees that the conference can be reputable even if its founder is a CIA tool. I have posted here and disseminated all of the information that an intelligent person would need to have in order to evaluate Netroots Nation.
Now, I reluctantly but confidently await the fresh historical vindication that will come when the US Government eventually acknowledges the extent to which it infiltrated and oriented the liberal blogosphere, using big box blogs like DailyKos and subsequently inventing the DailyKos YearlyKos convention.
To those who have attended Netroots Nation 2012, I can only remind you that you are helping to write the infiltrated history of the American Left's manipulation by US Government undercover agents and forces. Unlike the true radicals of the civil rights movement, the 1960's and early 70's, it will never be necessary to shoot you down because you are so easily and passively led astray.
Having discovered that Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (MAMZ) a.k.a. "Kos" of DailyKos) has a long history of activism for the Republican Party and, furthermore, he trained and worked with the US CIA between 2001 and 2003, research has revealed and established the following, and therefore justice and history now bring this thirty-one count Indictment.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
During my days at DailyKos, I opposed John Edwards candidacy because there were two better candidates (one of whom was elected President), but also because Edwards DailyKos-supported candidacy would have perpetuated what was then a 43-term white male monopoly of the Democratic Party nomination and of the US Presidency.
This didn't go over well at the 96% white DailyKos. (See Quantcast DailyKos demographic data in right sidebar.) I attacked Edwards from every conceivable (to me) angle and many other DailyKos participants resented that. How could I insist, day after day, that the next US President ought not necessarily be a white man, when everyone knew that ALL US presidents had been white men?
As we all know now, the Democrats would certainly have lost the election in 2008 had John Edwards been nominated, as a plurality at DailyKos preferred. John Edwards, it turned out, was a selfish, shameless philanderer, while his wife was an knowingly enabling, manipulative and exceedingly ambitious woman, who hid all she knew about John's clear unfitness for the nomination.
Today, CNN reports that:
Edwards is charged with six felony and misdemeanor counts related to donations to and payments from his failed 2008 presidential campaign. He is accused of conspiracy, issuing false statements and violating campaign contribution laws. He denies any wrongdoing.Had either or both of John and Elizabeth Edwards succeeded in their nomination ambitions, they would have destroyed the Democratic Party's hopes for regaining the presidency, because lying John Edwards' General Election campaign would have been embarrassingly over before it could begin in earnest. So, I now hold John Edwards in very low esteem.
Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, died of cancer in December 2010. The couple had separated that year, shortly after Edwards admitted that he had fathered a daughter with Rielle Hunter, who was hired to make documentary videos for his campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.
When John Edwards is in Federal prison, mumbling to Elizabeth Edwards, who earned her place in Hell, then both of them will have gotten their due for the harm they knowingly and intentionally tried to do to the Democratic Party, simply for their own personal gain. It is no longer possible to assert that Edwards wanted to help the poor or anyone else through his candidacy, because the only way he could have helped would have been to get out of the race, given what would soon become known about him.
I am proud to be able to write this at at Truth About Kos blog, which provides the truth about the DailyKos community, it's owner, and its (right-wing, CIA-driven?) politics.
"Banned at Kos" is Ongoing Topic at Tikun Olam Arab-Israeli Topic Blog
Two recent visitors to the Tikun Olam blog have added information to a thread started in 2006 about banning at DailyKos. In summary, many DailyKos participants eventually realized that any defense of the Palestinians or criticism of the Israelis would lead to the writer being banned from participation at DailyKos.
Atheo, for example, found out very quickly this month that there are some subjects you simply are not allowed to address at DailyKos. Atheo discussed his experience at Tikun Olam.
It's ironic that the mainstream media constantly address the issue of Palestinians and Israelis, but a supposedly "liberal," "leftist" blog bans the topic entirely. DailyKos does not seem to hold the sentiment behind the First Amendment -- freedom of speech -- in very high esteem.
For example, DailyKos bans all discussion of how and why and by whom the Twin Towers were destroyed on 9-11. Meanwhile, YouTube is full of videos (2.5 Million) typically doubting the official story of 9-11. and Time and CBS have discussed the theory that 9-11 did not occur as reported, but was perhaps an inside job. So, you have the mainstream media and Google sharing information about an issue whose mere mention will get you banned at DailyKos. Why does DailyKos believe it is crucial to prevent this discussion, even as Google/YouTube, a much larger media corporation, is a veritable treasure trove of information about 9-11. Google permits it, but DailyKos blocks it.
It seems to me that the roles of the big box blog and the mainstream media have been reversed and many issues that can be covered in the mainstream media are now (and have been virtually since the beginning) BANNED at DailyKos. And that is the wall against which Atheo bumped his nose in his first attempt to address what was important to him at DailyKos.
I don't visit DailyKos anymore, except to see them go berserk when they realize that the guy they banned from their little backwater published opinion pieces at, for example, Huffington Post, and is quoted in the Washington Post and at Slate.
When I initially began contacting the mainstream media about my experience of being banned at DailyKos for expressing the views of a Black man, big wigs at DailyKos mocked and derided me. In think they underestimated me, as you can see when you read the article, "Bloggers' Convention a Sea of Middle-Aged White Males," for which I spoke with the Washington Post writer beforehand. I found bigger and better places and ways to publish my opinions after I was banned from DailyKos.
With 456,000 hits at Google for "Moulitsas" and "CIA," mostly based on information first widely disseminated at my Truth About Kos blog, I believe I have done what I could to explain to the public why DailyKos and its cohorts (look at its blog list) serve the conversation-curtailing role that they do in the whitosphere.
I also note that history and these two historical figures have proved my judgment correct about John and Elizabeth Edwards, whose DailyKos-supported candidacy for the presidency I opposed because, among other factors, John's election would have perpetuated what was then a 43-term white male monopoly of the US Presidency.
This didn't go over well at the 96% white DailyKos. (See Quantcast DailyKos demographic data in right sidebar.) I attacked Edwards from every conceivable (to me) angle and other DailyKos participants resented that. How could I insist, day after day, that the President ought not necessarily be a white man, when everyone knew that ALL US presidents had been white men?
As we all know now, the Democrats would certainly have lost the election in 2008 had John Edwards been nominated, as a plurality at DailyKos preferred. John Edwards was a shameless philanderer and his wife was an enabling, manipulative and exceedingly ambitious woman, who hid all she knew about John's unfitness for the nomination.
Today, CNN reports that:
Had either or both of John and Elizabeth Edwards succeeded in their nomination ambitions, they would have destroyed the Democratic Party's hopes for regaining the presidency, because lying John Edwards' General Election campaign would have been embarrassingly over before it could begin in earnest.
When John Edwards is in Federal prison, mumbling to Elizabeth Edwards, who earned her place in Hell, then both of them will have gotten their due for the harm the knowingly and intentionally they tried to do to the Democratic Party, for their own personal gain.
I am proud to be able to write this at at Truth About Kos blog, which provides the truth about the DailyKos community, it's owner, and its (right-wing, CIA-driven?) politics.
* * * * *
And now John Edwards suddenly discovers that he has a life-threatening heart condition just before his aforementioned Federal trial was scheduled to begin? I was wondering what this lying lawyer would fabricate to derail his trial. And now we know. The man who was the apparent epitome of health has discovered that he has a heart condition and so, regrettably, cannot go ahead with his trial at the moment. Maybe he can join his wife in her present abode and thereby avoid the trial entirely.
Atheo, for example, found out very quickly this month that there are some subjects you simply are not allowed to address at DailyKos. Atheo discussed his experience at Tikun Olam.
It's ironic that the mainstream media constantly address the issue of Palestinians and Israelis, but a supposedly "liberal," "leftist" blog bans the topic entirely. DailyKos does not seem to hold the sentiment behind the First Amendment -- freedom of speech -- in very high esteem.
For example, DailyKos bans all discussion of how and why and by whom the Twin Towers were destroyed on 9-11. Meanwhile, YouTube is full of videos (2.5 Million) typically doubting the official story of 9-11. and Time and CBS have discussed the theory that 9-11 did not occur as reported, but was perhaps an inside job. So, you have the mainstream media and Google sharing information about an issue whose mere mention will get you banned at DailyKos. Why does DailyKos believe it is crucial to prevent this discussion, even as Google/YouTube, a much larger media corporation, is a veritable treasure trove of information about 9-11. Google permits it, but DailyKos blocks it.
It seems to me that the roles of the big box blog and the mainstream media have been reversed and many issues that can be covered in the mainstream media are now (and have been virtually since the beginning) BANNED at DailyKos. And that is the wall against which Atheo bumped his nose in his first attempt to address what was important to him at DailyKos.
I don't visit DailyKos anymore, except to see them go berserk when they realize that the guy they banned from their little backwater published opinion pieces at, for example, Huffington Post, and is quoted in the Washington Post and at Slate.
When I initially began contacting the mainstream media about my experience of being banned at DailyKos for expressing the views of a Black man, big wigs at DailyKos mocked and derided me. In think they underestimated me, as you can see when you read the article, "Bloggers' Convention a Sea of Middle-Aged White Males," for which I spoke with the Washington Post writer beforehand. I found bigger and better places and ways to publish my opinions after I was banned from DailyKos.
With 456,000 hits at Google for "Moulitsas" and "CIA," mostly based on information first widely disseminated at my Truth About Kos blog, I believe I have done what I could to explain to the public why DailyKos and its cohorts (look at its blog list) serve the conversation-curtailing role that they do in the whitosphere.
I also note that history and these two historical figures have proved my judgment correct about John and Elizabeth Edwards, whose DailyKos-supported candidacy for the presidency I opposed because, among other factors, John's election would have perpetuated what was then a 43-term white male monopoly of the US Presidency.
This didn't go over well at the 96% white DailyKos. (See Quantcast DailyKos demographic data in right sidebar.) I attacked Edwards from every conceivable (to me) angle and other DailyKos participants resented that. How could I insist, day after day, that the President ought not necessarily be a white man, when everyone knew that ALL US presidents had been white men?
As we all know now, the Democrats would certainly have lost the election in 2008 had John Edwards been nominated, as a plurality at DailyKos preferred. John Edwards was a shameless philanderer and his wife was an enabling, manipulative and exceedingly ambitious woman, who hid all she knew about John's unfitness for the nomination.
Today, CNN reports that:
Edwards is charged with six felony and misdemeanor counts related to donations to and payments from his failed 2008 presidential campaign. He is accused of conspiracy, issuing false statements and violating campaign contribution laws. He denies any wrongdoing.
Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, died of cancer in December 2010. The couple had separated that year, shortly after Edwards admitted that he had fathered a daughter with Rielle Hunter, who was hired to make documentary videos for his campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.
Had either or both of John and Elizabeth Edwards succeeded in their nomination ambitions, they would have destroyed the Democratic Party's hopes for regaining the presidency, because lying John Edwards' General Election campaign would have been embarrassingly over before it could begin in earnest.
When John Edwards is in Federal prison, mumbling to Elizabeth Edwards, who earned her place in Hell, then both of them will have gotten their due for the harm the knowingly and intentionally they tried to do to the Democratic Party, for their own personal gain.
I am proud to be able to write this at at Truth About Kos blog, which provides the truth about the DailyKos community, it's owner, and its (right-wing, CIA-driven?) politics.
* * * * *
And now John Edwards suddenly discovers that he has a life-threatening heart condition just before his aforementioned Federal trial was scheduled to begin? I was wondering what this lying lawyer would fabricate to derail his trial. And now we know. The man who was the apparent epitome of health has discovered that he has a heart condition and so, regrettably, cannot go ahead with his trial at the moment. Maybe he can join his wife in her present abode and thereby avoid the trial entirely.